Humour, N Z Women, All Blacks losing to the “Handsome” Wallabies and Job Creation Blog # 21

Humour, N Z Women their perceived gender insensitivity per se , job creation, my predicted All Blacks latest loss to the handsome Wallabies, et al.
In an unabridged attempt to contribute to the ongoing debate on the subject of New Zealand women. I heard an Australian damsel and doyenne of the sports arena call them “scrubbers”. When I never hear a denial of this allegation it runs the real risk of becoming accepted internationally. I am deeply concerned about this. Are we mere males guilty by association?
We all observe that they, N Z women that is, have an ever increasing & ever widening role to play in the broad based society that 52% of our nation’s personhood or “make up”. Why are you made up in this manner? It hides your obvious charm of which we are not oblivious to.
Next I would like to talk about the gap in our almost dually made up society and I sit here lamenting looking at my credit card records showing the number of times I have bought women flowers. Roses in particular. My lamenting and ongoing sadness is brought upon by the undeniable claim and acceptance of the fact that not once have I been in receipt of a heart-warming, gender endearing gift like I have afforded the “gentler sex”. Flowers. I am close to tears.
There are many gaps in N Z society. This gap is between the end of N Z women’s “fingers” and the almost impenetrable clasp on the top of their purses. This again I lament and say it is when it comes time to women buying men flowers. We to like gifts of flowers and signs of appreciation as to the mere role we play in your lives. I can imagine the above mentioned “fingers” curling up at the above description of the N Z women and into a fist form. Please please don’t do that ladies otherwise you will be physically confirming in front of your own eyes and perhaps the eyes of impressionable young children the, as at this time undenied suspicion, that you are “tight fisted”. Try unfurling them and see if the thought of crow barring undone the tight clasp of your purse and purchasing men flowers and making us happy has any appeal. Especially as our nation’s premier sports team got “handsomely” beaten by the handsome Wallabies as I predicted. The Wallabies must be handsome to as there are over 200,000 N Z women residing in their midst. Many New Zealand males will need cheering up this morning.

You are the physically weaker sex and therefore need defending along with your international reputation. My Pommie mate “little Mike” however warned me about the only area whereby N Z women are equally strong, and stronger in many instances, as us mere males is when it comes to one of our almost identical bodily organs. He referred to it as the “iron fish hook”. It is exceptionally strong, barbed and sharpened with much use and can lash out/strike and catch us mere males at any time. That’s right you guessed it, your tongue. Described as “the primary organ of taste”. “Hell hath no fury” and all that. I am starting to shake worrying what wroth I might incur when I go to the supermarket after posting this, in my Australian guernsey. Might go in drag or perhaps a little cross dressing disguise and a touch of “make up”. That would be akin to “hiding behind the skirts of” n’est pas?
As to the aspect of New Zealand women’s claim to equality, failure to show the same and “bridge the gap” between the end of their fingers and their purses coupled with the need to create employment. I challenge N Z women to buy us men flowers. Daffodils are green and gold like in colour, just like the winning Wallabies guernsey’s or you can show us you are as described above tight fisted and by definition gender insensitive. Fine line between gender insensitivity and gender discrimination ladies. Could we have the vote back please? I said please! Please show us “mm’s” that you accept when it comes to equality there is no gain without pain, in this case financial, and buy us Daffodils. Perchance some of the proceeds could go to the Cancer Society. To date the ability of N Z women to buy us “mm’s” flowers has been appalling. I don’t want you running off and purloining these Daffodils from our parks and reserves either please ladies. Buy them! Bridge the gap show us you appreciate us and buy us flowers. Please ladies wave aside the herein exposed gender insensitivity along with your hoard of moths waiting to find freedom and fresh air, buy us daffodils and “bridge the gap”. This hoard of moths is alongside your hoard of cash. The florists will be busy and some jobs will be created It’s a win win win situation. The we can see that you are not entranced and enchanted with gender insensitivity. Have you no shame?
There may well be N Z women out there considering waving two fingers with forcefulness at my prose and I put it to those of this inappropriate viewpoint that these are the very same fingers that could be used to make me and my fellow “mm’s” happy and apply them with the same force to the clasp on top of your purse. Or of course you could refurl them up.
My previous blog proved to be true and the Wallabies “handsomely” beat the All Blacks last night. My initial prediction on next weeks game, and that is all it is, game of sport, are that the Wallabies will throw the game to lure the All Blacks into a false sense of hope before beating them handsomely again in the “World Cup”. When I look at the dozens of forward passes not pulled up by what looked like to be a previously highly controversial English referee not forgetting the high shot then the All Blacks got off lightly.
A happy green and gold Wallaby supporter. That’s right they are the same colours as the Daffodils we are now all expecting soon. Think of the job creation the regaining of your image in N Z and internationally. I sense the need for change and the need for you to become scrubbed up and only time will expose the degree necessary.
Heck I am going to consider strongly expressing my rights and leave the toilet set up too. So take that ladies/ damsels, et al.
“No Nukes” and mere (no not mare) male (We know our place ladies, bare foot, passive and in the kitchen) E & O E
Blog # 21 9/8/2015

University of Canterbury Students Association Current Elections

Dear fellow UCSA Voters and more importantly all aspiring candidates. Thank you for joining the University of Canterbury Students Association general election discussion and this is the second time I have been called a “racist”.
Genuinely feel if I was a “racist” as you contend this position this would have been outed well before now in any of the 3 General Parliamentary elections that I contested for the New Zealand Labour Party (including last year against the latest Minister of Justice Hon Amy Adams). I am also a Life Member of the New Zealand Party. Even more succinctly behind the whistle and as a “touchie” in dozens of rugby league games and  “Onion” in rural predominantly Maori villages/towns. Even more specifically in the long comraderie sessions in the changing rooms afterwards as well. I helped the local league team train mid-week and my training hoody had the words “White Trash” across the front. Race wasn’t an issue it was about training hard enough to beat the surrounding villages. Some of these teams were gang teams and they do not mince their words. They are not politically correct.
These teams can be guttural, succinct and use as few as words as possible to get the messages across. If I was as you claim a “racist” the above venues would have exposed it I assure you. Particularly the dressing room after league where freedom of expression reigned supreme. Not to forget the after match function where I was a welcome guest.
My view below as an undecided voter was that I was simply asking the numerous candidates their viewpoint which is awaited at time of writing. This viewpoint of yours now gives the candidates the additional opportunity to espouse their views on the racism you contend you have encountered, particularly if it was here at “U C’’.
The closest I may have got to be a racist was like this and I let you and the fellow readers decide if this makes me a racist.
I turn up as the appointed referee for an enjoyable afternoon of the “beautiful game”. Sun shining, birds chirping and looking forward to some exercise, watching live sport at close range, seeing a few goals scored, a hot shower and to a couple of cold beers after the game. Like many New Zealanders I enjoy my weekend sport. Weekend sport is a tradition in Aotearoa. It is part of our culture and way of life. Looked at the home team of 10 players which had the same attire/uniform on and the goalkeeper was suitably attired/uniformed as he should be. He stood out from the balance of the team as he should do. Then as you do I looked at the visiting team of new New Zealanders and although the infield players were suitably attired/uniformed their goal keeper was not. His attire stood out too. When I asked him to change he advised his cultural and religious beliefs prevented him from doing so. He was not even prepared to put on football boots. He made assertions that he was being discriminated against by me etc etc. Upon reflection, and worried I would bring the N Z Labour Party into disrepute and possibly affect my career prospects I advised him using very carefully chosen words (I was tempted to be succinct) that I was going to the halfway line and blow the kick off whistle. If at that stage he was still of the view that his cultural and religious views/beliefs remained in place, (and that I was a racist) and were superior to those in the Association Football rule book I was going to blow the whistle again, call his Captain over and explain what was about to happen to his teams goalkeeper, and that he would be playing the remaining 89.9 minutes of the beautiful game with ten players. When the goalkeeper realised he was going to be standing behind the goal posts instead of between them, a sense of realism was witnessed. I returned to half way. When I turned around there was a flurry of attire/uniform activity whereas one attire was replaced with another and the game commenced. As it should be.
So if that makes me a “racist” so be it

If you still feel I am a racist then please can you and 120 of your supporters go to UBS on Campus put a pinga each on the counter and I will have a University of Canterbury hoodie emblazoned with the words “University of Canterbury Racist Law Student 2015” and wear it on campus. My other training hoodee is pukaru.
“No Nukes” U C Student Number 86829284 & undecided UCSA voter
p. s. I do predict the Wallabies will win handsomely this weekend. See we do have the freedom of expression.

University of Canterbury/Campus Living Villages (N Z ) Ltd Blog #19

University of Canterbury/Campus Living Villages (NZ) Ltd and International Students in Halls of Residence
Compare below reasonable expectations of Kiwis to that of an international student whilst visiting our shores as our guest
This is my experience
International student spills milk throughout refrigerator including across the food of others in January 2015
Was asked to clean it up deteriorating milk and several times to. Fails to do so. The residue remains there today!! It is now August. That’s February, March, April, May, June, July and for clarity it is now August
Put a note on the door asking this student to clean it up. Student walks past this note every time leaving apartment and ignores it.
Asked Campus Living Villages (N Z) Ltd (CLV) to get this student to clean it up
CLV agreed formally to facilitate an apartment meeting. They were not telling the truth. Kiwis have a word for this to.
C L V staff then agreed to hold a meeting with this international student. I have no idea if this meeting ever took place. Given the filthy unhygienic mess remains there today. Please remember it is now August. I doubt it
Asked for another refrigerator for safe hygienic storage of food. This twice made request was declined by CLV.
This student refuses to put the rubbish out, has to be asked to mop up the bathroom after using it so subsequent users don’t slip. Does so half heartedly
When asked to contribute his share and buy his multi packet of toilet rolls after using that purchased by the other flatmates this student refused and got really really really upset about it.
Refuses to use the vacuum cleaner, refuses to take a turn cleaning the floor and the shower between CLV cleanings. Refuses/fails to put out the recycling, declines to contribute to the dishwasher liquid to clean up the living area and kitchen area, walks around the bags of rubbish tied up from the white bins put beside the door when leaving the apartment.
The recent formal viewpoint of the University Council was that I should contact the “landlord’’ Does it appear to the ordinary reader that that avenue has been well canvassed/utilised/ explored/exhausted etc. Amazing. One would hope Council is not displaying discernment?
Would it therefore come as any surprise to my fellow student and UCSA election voter that there is now another layer of orangy coloured food spread/spilt atop the first layer?
In New Zealand we have a word for this. It starts with “bl” and ends with “er” Please consider respecting our culture and our way of life whilst you are in visitor to Aotearoa.
The candidates for the UCSA elections, particularly the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates, are invited to comment as to what they would do about this ongoing unhealthy, unwarranted, unhygienic situation if elected to the next/new/envigorated/ ”dedicated” executive. This is awaited.
Finally if you are an international student who has come from an environment where you are able to have everything done for you +/or treat woman as second class citizens then please go along to the next Femsoc evening and watch and listen to what happens when you espouse your male gender superior entitlement viewpoint.
“No Nukes” University of Canterbury Kiwi Student # 8682928 5/7/2015

University of Canterbury Students Association Presidential and Executive Elections 2015 Blog # 18

University of Canterbury Students Association Presidential and Executive 2015 Elections
A Money. B Drug and Alcohol testing. C “Kenneth” of the Constabulary Tasering, et al.
There are a number of candidates whom are claiming to be fit and proper persons to be elected. Congratulations on putting yourself forward
A Money
Some candidates are claiming to have “Finance” aspirations on the U C S A Executive. With the intended completion of the replacement Foundry being some four years away and using an estimated cost value of twelve and an half million dollars ($12,500,000) as an example only it is important for the UCSA finances to be carefully monitored and managed.
The UCSA money for the Foundry insurance entitlement was a part of the $550 million University of Canterbury insurance settlement with IAG. How much of this $550 million was for the UCSA Foundry entitlement as the Association owns 62% of the building and where is the money? Is it in the UCSA bank account getting interest to help with the cost of the demolition, which should have been completed by now, although I note with dismay this building, apparently beyond repair is in partial use, or is it in the Universities bank account and the UCSA has to go cap in hand and ask for its own money??
All candidates’ comments welcome with those with “Finance” aspirations especially expected.
Please remember if you have no voice or opinion before the election what you are going to be like after the elections if successful? There is an immense amount of money involved here.
B Alcohol and Drug testing & “Metal Detectors”
Many of the candidates are claiming “Representation”, “Dedication” and “Communication” and let’s see their response to this.
A member of the Student Association (could be any of the 12,000 members) asks for a matter to be addressed by their elected representative/s of the UCSA. A full executive of the UCSA vote upon and pass a motion resulting in a resolution in their meeting which should be recorded in the minutes for all 12,000 UCSA members to see. Using an example only of “All University of Canterbury staff and University Council members should be subject to random alcohol and drug tests”, just like the rest of N Z has accepted as “de rigueur”.
Off goes our newly elected “Dedicated” “Committed” UCSA President, resolution in hand, copies for all council members to the next Council meeting to represent the membership. Us. WRONG. When he or she raises the issue, any one of the balance of approximately 16 members can move a motion to go into “Committee”, a seconder found, then a motion must be put and if passed the discussion on what the UCSA passed resolution states takes place with the “Public Excluded”, a standard “Agenda” item, which includes us students and our class representatives, likely the Teachers &/or Union representatives (their viewpoint welcomed/encouraged/expected) and the public at large. Excluded, forced to leave, told to go, etc. The President CANNOT report back to the UCSA Executive or us the members what discussion took place on the very resolution of the UCSA Executive of which he is a member. So the President could vote yes at the UCSA Executive meeting in favour of the resolution and no in the Council forum and the UCSA members would never know. Of course the public, class reps and students alike have to wait around for an unknown period till the matter is resolved (resolved is a word of importance) Then normally when this item, now on the floor of the Council meeting and agenda is discussed, a resolution of the council is moved and seconded and passed.
In normal circumstances that is. This is not the situation recently The was an item tabled as “Inward Correspondence” and all that happened was that it was “note”d. The miniscule staff report was both false and misleading. No proper resolution was passed or as in normal circumstances there would have been a mover and a seconder. This mover and seconder would have to have names and we could see this information. This would normally be recorded in the minutes but was not. More breach of normally expected accepted for decades, N Z wide procedure. So we don’t really know if the resolution was passed or not! Many bodies keep digital recordings of meetings to enable minutes to be confirmed with accuracy at the next meeting. Our Council does not do this?? Stops people from taking the opportunity of saying one thing one day and another the next. Perhaps UCSA meetings should be recorded also?
Another example of “Dedicated” “Representation” needed and urgently. This is the refusal of both the operators/managers of the Ilam Halls of Residence, being Campus Living Villages (N Z) Ltd to answer correspondence and the ongoing and unaddressed failure to provide the previously considered necessary and available Health & Safety Policy. Two of the three Directors of Campus Living Villages (N Z ) Ltd live here in Christchurch, R D 6, Yaldhurst and Wittys Road in Avonhead. Secondly the University of Canterbury has been formally asked for a copy of or to view their Health and Safety policy too but they are well versed in abusing the Official Information Act which has as its core principle that unless there are good reasons for withholding information then the information should be made available. These to date invisible documents, if in fact they exist, would be utilised to reduce the risk of fire in particular, but not excluded to, (remember those 4 words) the continued smoking in the Ilam Halls buildings and surrounds.
Another issue needing representation, relating to the recent theft of chemicals, is the decision by the University of Canterbury not to quickly notify/inform the Constabulary in the normal manner. U C should have informed and be able to be seen to be “cooperating” with the N Z Police immediately. And told the UCSA so the member could have been informed. The theft of chemicals capable of being used for “Heroin and Speed” manufacture was withheld from the police for up to four days after the theft was discovered. Yet again UCSA could raise the issue, which to my knowledge they haven’t but the Council of the University could go again into Committee and when our President comes back to the Executive meeting has to advise that he or she cannot advise what was discussed due to being in “Committee”. With Public, media, class representatives, staff union representatives and students all being excluded. From this can be concluded the President cannot claim to represent the members of the Association. Either the University of Canterbury supposedly led by the University Council are telling the truth about when the theft discovery was told to the Constabulary or Detective Sergeant Richard Quested is being publically economical with the truth.
It will be interesting to see what the Minister of Tertiary Education says in response to the Official Information Act upon his desk. Dated “29/7/2015”
Another example of “Representation’’ needed is I still don’t have my complete timetable on “Learn” and have to keep in touch with the Law Faculty for changes of venues and tutorials (I acknowledge now there are no tutorials for the missing subject) We all know when the term started!!!
Otago University has a radio station which helps with these issues Why don’t we have one too?
Otago University has a Rugby League team too and are happy to come up and beat us up. But can’t get help from UCSA for replacement uniforms. Male members from the Tongan community know where many of the existing shirts, shorts and don’t forget the socks, are! Please spread the word and please drop them back off at the UCSA in the Undercroft or the Foundry. Please. The existing U C S A rule about no/delayed provision of funding for new sports teams is antiquated and needs changing. Now this can happen but if not enough of you apathetic, uncaring, me me me, insular, I want it and I want it now, UCSA members are willing to turn up to the UCSA meetings, like last week, despite the offer of a free lunch, then this makes it virtually impossible. There are enough “Leagies” hiding out in U C “Onion” jerseys to accept the challenge, defend the name and the tryline of “U C”. The University of Otago team can continually claim to have the best University Rugby League team in the South Island. Add to this the province of Otago has the undisputed best current exciting champion Super 15 rugby team in the whole wide world.

C “University of Canterbury and Riccarton Community Constable” “Kenneth” and Tasering
Currently there is a lengthy matter being discussed between the “Independent Police Complaints Authority” last correspondence from “Judge Sir David Carruthers”, “12 June 2015”, and “The Commissioner of Police Michael Bush” and the Police have been asked to assign this officer to duties off campus whilst this matter is resolved. Seems a reasonable/simple enough request. Please bear in mind you can be Tasered on campus from now on. Law students, including final year, are referred to Section 18 of the Independent Police Complaints Authority Act 1988. Police Officer “Kenneth’s” understanding of the word honesty does not compare favourably with the definition in the Concise Oxford Dictionary.
Next. Senior staff persons Roderick Carr (apologies for calling you “Rodney” Vice Chancellor Carr) and Jeffery Field are trying to hide behind staff down the pecking order instead of taking the responsibility themselves. This staff person told, now undenied “porkies” and now must be reading an employment contract as Mediation looms in a nearby Employment Court. The alternative is to adopt the insurance industry stance of the 3 D’s “Deny, (too late now for that) Delay and Defend” However one would hope the image of the University internationally would mean sooner is better than later. My view is prevention is better than cure”??? The Ombudsman informs me that an Official Information Act request has been referred to the Privacy Commissioner whom advises that it takes at least 8 weeks for an officer to be appointed and an unknown period for the investigation of the University of Canterbury’s records to be carried out. The University of Canterbury Council should instruct the staff to make the information available Particularly as the Constabulary are all most likely to be all over these documents.
The UCSA should be acting with impetus here but as has become the norm they are conspicuous by their absence. Even if the UCSA President did raise an issue at the University Council meeting the President can’t talk to the UCSA Executive and members about what was discussed, who said what and why etc. The Presidential candidates must have a view on this appalling and untenable situation. This has the potential of putting Council members in the public seats of the Christchurch Courthouses awaiting to be called to give evidence. This may mean a District Court Judge and prominent Christchurch lawyers could be sitting amongst Mongrel Mob and Black Power members. Now that would look good on Facebook. My law lecturers invited to comment of course.
“Canta” being withdrawn from circulation at the whim of an unknown unidentified minority.
Candidates are asked to express an opinion so firstly as voters we can see if you have one at all and should you be elected then we can monitor your performance afterwards.
As to the adult like apathetic voters. This is your chance and this is your “Degree” so get out and vote. There are people here at U C whom have never had a vote in their lives let alone get one in the foreseeable future. Whereas the modern student at U C is unable or unwilling to make an online informed decision. Extract the digit or risk being seen as an ongoing embarrassment by future generations of New Zealand citizens.
The Returning officer is asked to advise how many people voted last time so we can see if apathy is a demonstrable achievement or otherwise by my fellow UCSA members.
“No Nukes” UC Student Association Member and undecided Voter
U C Student Number 86829284 Blog #18 of 3/8/2015

Christchurch Building Proposal Edmonds Baking Powder Factory

Edmonds Baking Powder Factory Building

Why can it not be sure to rise again?
They say fortune favours the bold
What I am proposing is to recreate the missing iconic building the Christchurch skyline had and has been missing for far too long. This being the Edmonds Baking Powder Factory. Well in external appearance only.
On the face of it looks as if the opportunity exists to have
Option a) 4 Ground and 5 first floor offices with 5 penthouses above,
Or b) Four ground floor offices with 5 first floor apartments and atopped by 5 penthouses,
Or c) 14 apartments,
Or d) all offices,
Or e) as the market dictates.
So let us see what the market requires?
Please send me an email saying what you want, what floor level and how many square metres you want.
Additionally need land so any landowners out there in and around the city interested in participating please email me too.
Finally is there an anchor tenant out there wanting something historic, recognisable and wanting to re-establish back in Christchurch? Please email me.

Gordon J Dickson Associate A.M.I.N.Z. 2 August 2015
[email protected]

University of Canterbury Students Association Election Blog # 2 of 1 Aug 2015 My blog # 16

Candidate James or potential “President two pay packets” # 2 in the imminent University of Canterbury Students Association Elections
1 I take solace from your words “I will look into Huntsoc”. I may well be in possession of more additional information as soon as the Chairman, oops Chairperson (sorry frauleins/damsels* etc) Geoff, Murray, Ross, Fiona & Rachel (being the balance of council members) of the New Zealand Mountain Safety Council respond to correspondence. See if you can find any minutes of meetings of the elusive and secretive Huntsoc executive. Which I believe to be of around ten members. See also my email 28/5/2015 to UCSA marked as “Inward Correspondence’’ Section “2” The President and the Presidents P A have it as a minimum.
2 In relation to your line 13 You clearly need to clean your ears out or learn to ask the Secretary and fellow members of the UCSA executive when you get the Agenda for the executive meetings this question
“Are all the received items titled “Inward Correspondence” included in the agenda section called “Inwards Correspondence”? Yes or no? Not hard really
3 Your line 17. You get Vice Chancellor Rodney to provide the answer about meetings with the Minister of Tertiary Education and correspondence (note “and correspondence”) with the Minister of Tertiary Education. You want my vote which to date comes with it the “two pay packets” and a possible “Degree” of certainty, the kudos on your C V or do you not. I ask voters to withhold their vote until James comes clean. Seems unlikely you can hide from social media. Time will tell. It is unequitable to come with dirt on your hands sir!
4 James and other law students etc. If you are of a mind please feel free to comment on my blog dated 23/6/2015. The University of Canterbury law school tutors and lecturers have failed to respond to this query with any enthusiasm or substance from a student on behalf of the victims of the earthquakes. Outside of class their voices are conspicuous by their silence. In fairness two members of the legal academia did pop their heads up above the parapets of the law school building but albeit briefly. Our Law school is out of step and touch with the the other University law schools (the exception being the University of Waikato and their Law school employee Margaret Wilson still has to finalise her viewpoint which is well overdue now!)
5 As to meeting with you Mmmph. My experience has been with politicians that often they say one thing one day and another the next day, hence maybe we can continue here for a while. I note with dismay you haven’t asked for my vote either From that I, and the balance of the voters can conclude you either don’t want my vote or are ambivalent/ nonchalant about it. Do we all want to able to call you “President Ambivalent” or “Nonchalant President (“Non-President” for short)? Which would you prefer candidate James?
6 Soon we will be able to move onto theft of students personal property by University of Canterbury staff/public servants or contractors. My initial thoughts are “public servants” for clarity.
7 Like “the Treaty” its about “compromise” and “partnership” and I need money to get an independent legal opinion on these possible Official Information Act/Local Government Official Information And Meetings Act/ Incorporated Societies Act/Health and Safety Act breaches by the University of Canterbury and the UCSA. But I will trade/partner with you as long as you are cut, paste and email keen/committed. Politics can be pretty basic. “Deal or no deal” potential UCSA President James Addington?
8 To James I say congratulations for popping your head up above the political parapet and to the victor goes the spoils but not “two pay packets” You will note my word stipend is in speech marks and therefore is a quotation. This from a letter from the University Council dated “ 9 July 2015”
Remember now you cannot put your head back down behind the political parapet till polling closes OK?
Perhaps the balance of the candidates have no voice????
9 *Online dictionary definition of “damsel”. “even regular unmarried Janes can be referred to as damsel” but I am not brave enough to rely upon a quote from an online “Uncle Google” dictionary and refer to my fellow female UCSA members as “regular”. We know our place. The intent is to get you motivated to vote and if it takes a careful balance of gender and humour then so be it.
Kia kaha
Gordon E & O E

University of Canterbury Students association Election Blog #1 1 Aug 2015

To all UCSA “Candidates” in the election for President & Executive officers. 1/8/2015
Congratulations on putting yourself forward.
Can you please advise me of your position on the following so all members can decide whether to vote for you or not
Q 1 Do you support Huntsoc’s view that by a member contacting the other members of this UCSA Society by email is a “Breach of the Privacy” of the member? This is the current position advised to me by Huntsoc as being the advice given to them by the current UCSA Executive.
Q 2 Do you consider Huntsoc’s Constitution should be changed to ensure 25% or 50% or 75% of their meetings become drug free?
The current U C S A President receives two paypackets. One in the form of a salary of almost $50,000 from the Students Association and the other of an unknown amount in a form of a “Stipend” for time in the other of this dual role, sitting on “Council”. That means your President has two masters and has been asked repeatedly and formally to deny and address this situation. Given it has been months now since our President was formally asked to address this situation, it is no longer tenable that our President can deny that this “conflict of interest” exists. In correspondence forwarded to the UCSA by email and by hand to the recent poorly attended Executive called “Half AGM” at the Foundry (not enough of the members turned up to amend the constitution) I took the precaution of hand delivering copies, of the previous unacknowledged and unanswered correspondence to UCSA, to this meeting. Copies were also delivered clearly marked for the attention of the President, Vice President, the Financial officer and the Secretary. I watched this document placed it the right hand of our President whilst at and had the use of the lectern. It was marked clearly marked “Inward Correspondence”. This twice delivered to the Executive of the UCSA “Inward Correspondence” was withheld from the assembled members and all other members as in normal circumstances this would have been recorded in the Minutes by the Secretary. This is unprincipled behaviour is all made possible by the recognised undeniable apathy and additionally exposed tardiness /laziness of you my fellow members. Vigilance is the price of freedom.
Q 3 So to the current Presidential candidates do you have any objection to being called “President two pay-packets” or “President Conflict” after the election?
It should be noted that when the current “President Two pay packets’” of UCSA attends “Council” of the University of Canterbury much of it is held with the “Public Excluded” so you never really know how our President conducts him or herself. The University of Canterbury’s Councils online presence was devoid of the agendas and minutes of last week’s meeting, the staff reports are false and misleading and the location advised for the meetings are false and therefore misleading too. At first glance this is a breach of an Act of Parliament. Lawsoc invited to comment please!!!!
Q 4 To the Executive candidates do you support the position of the current President and if not what would you do about it if elected?
Q 5 Do you support the installation of metal detectors at all the entry points to the University of Canterbury campus?
It is written that the Vice Chancellor Rodney Carr was in Wellington very very recently
Q6 What I would like you candidates to find out about was did he take the opportunity to meet with the Minister of Tertiary Education and if so was the University of Canterbury discussed?
“No Nukes” Student #86829284 E & O E
P s 1 Why don’t you Political Science students and academia grab this opportunity to do some polling after the recent U K debacle by your likes?
P s 2 The Law School Academia in particular are again encouraged to “wade into the fray” in regard to the access to fit and proper information from “Council”. Please do so as “law is all about the argument” N’cest pas? Perhaps your views on the subject of “Conflict of interest” to help the 12,000 students vote wisely?

Open letter to N Z Labour Party Member of Parliament for Port Hills Ruth Dyson 8/7/20105

Dear Fellow N Z Labour Party Candidate
During the last election at the “Paint the Town Red” auction in Christchurch a considerable sum of money was raised. My understanding is $42,000 and the view of the Selwyn Labour Electorate Committee whom constituted my Campaign Committee, is that the figure is around $32,000. Which is the correct figure please Ruth?
As to the distribution of this auction raised considerable sum. After the previous auction the proceeds were distributed evenly amongst each and every contributing electorate including the Selwyn electorate. Can I have your formal assurance that each and every electorate received the same amount this time please? The Selwyn Labour Electorate Committee via the office of the Chairperson have formally advised they will not answer correspondence about monies received or perhaps not received.
Labour has lost 800,000 votes over recent elections and the voters have shown their distrust of Labour repeatedly at the polls. Labour has been in opposition for a long time now. Additionally those bidding for the donated auction works had the reasonable expectation that the proceeds of the auction (in effect their money) would be shared fairly amongst those electorates contributing in terms of both funds and goods to be auctioned. Those donating the goods and services also had the reasonable expectation their contributions would be properly used. Labour relies heavily on donations of time and monies and all these people have the right to know that it is being used for the purposes it was intended for.
Please assure me that the funds were distributed evenly amongst ALL the electorates advising how much and upon what date thank you. It should not be lost on those reading this that N Z Council of the New Zealand Labour Party under the new leadership of Mr Nigel Haworth should have sorted this out and have waived the opportunity.
Gordon J Dickson. Life Member of the New Zealand Labour Party
Selwyn Electorate Candidate for the N Z Labour Party in the 2014 Elections
2 Homestead Lane Ilam Christchurch E. & O. E.

Blog # 13 Dunedin Export Lead Opportunity Lost 3/7/2015

To the residents of Dunedin I relatively recently took an overseas business venture, hired a “minder” to try and create some export lead jobs for my “lieu de naissance.” Using the view, that find someone that’s got a monopoly and get in on it. Plan “A” was to utilise local resources (you the residents of Dunedin looking for work), an existing operating factory, local materials available in abundance and the port. Found an opportunity worth exploring. However the management at 51 Forth Street don’t answer correspondence.
Tried to use the letters to the editor facilities at the ODT, in person, and that was a “Woftam” (Waste of f’in* time and money). From that can be concluded the editor controls what you are and are not informed about.
This is what happens when you sit idly by and watch your future determined by those outside you region and unaccountable persons. 10k down the gurgler.
Perchance it is time you Otago residents started smelling the coffee instead of drinking it!
Kia kaha Gordon
*= flippin
E. & O. E.

Question of Law Lecturers at University of Canterbury Earthquake Insurance Law

A question of my Law Lecturers at the University of Canterbury.
Law or Lawlessness in N Z? 23/6/2015
At a recent well attended earthquake related public meeting in the cardboard Cathedral, on 17th April 2015, a Christchurch City Councillor, Mrs Ali Jones, twice asked the Lawyer and the assembled earthquake victims, (almost plea like), from Auckland about why the local Christchurch lawyers had failed to utilise the utmost good faith argument in relation to the earthquake related insurance claims? Utmost good faith is or well should have been, argued and exhausted in the courts well before this. It was contended that the decision not to has left this class action opportunity. The possible outcome for those who had settled with their insurer’s means that they may well be in line for an additional payment. Albeit with the litigation fund providers known percentage having been deducted.
Why does it take a lawyer from Auckland to come to Christchurch, after almost five years, in the company of a private litigation fund provision specialised and tell people he considers they all have the basis for a class action against the insurance industry companies on the basis that they have not been acting in the utmost of good faith? If this gentleman is right then in whose best interests have the local practitioners been acting in? Both the Auckland lawyer and the litigation fund provider spoke and advanced their arguments in favour of this class action. Begs the further question as to when claims must be both lodged and secondly settled?
The Auckland lawyer was reluctant to suggest there was improvability in his Christchurch based colleague’s actions as he would have been forced to confirm there was demonstrably much room for improvement in the very colleagues he sat alongside at the University of Canterbury lectures halls. Note our Mayoress Lianne Dalziel and former but long time Labour East has an LLB from U C as does our current Minister of Justice, Mrs Amy Adams and Member of Parliament for the nearby electorate of Selwyn. They undoubtedly will have a view and I will let them have a copy of this toute de suite.
Begs the question as to the standard of legal advice the Christchurch City Council has been in receipt of themselves? The settlement figures may well have been significantly more should the argument have been forcefully trotted out in the numerous court matters since the devastating earthquake events of September 2010 and Feb 2011.
I look at my collection of expensive University of Canterbury recommended text books and think why this important constituent, of contracts of any kind, not been stressed to the fullest extent of the law by the local legal fraternity to protect their clients from the Insurance industry giants? Surely that was why they were engaged by the victims of these two major events in the first instance. This, with the given it was in the text books when they were studying, in many instance at “U C” too.
Could this mean that the local Christchurch lawyers referred to by the Christchurch City Councillor have not utilised the full extent of the policy conditions nor the laws? Surely they will want to defend their services to date?
Should this not be the case can therefore the existing utilisers of legal services based in Christchurch collectively ask for their fees back, claim for damages and perhaps even exemplary damages? Is this a class action as a result of a class action?
Could numerous users of the localised legal services lodge complaints with the N Z Law Society and with the possible result that hoards of lawyers may become struck off?
Could this mean the legal firms in Christchurch must notify their insurance brokers and insurance companies alike?
Further could this mean the insurers must notify their reinsurers and with the possible increase in premiums, assuming (and this is a huge assumption) continued cover is offered, and hence leading to a further increase in hourly rate fees to the Christchurch earthquake victims? Professional Indemnity Insurance being just one type of insurance cover that comes to mind.
Brings me again to the subject of the worth and cost of these expensive law text books? Many of their authors abound the halls of this University and one perhaps has a dual role as being a member of the University Council. They must have an opinion too?
Has the University of Canterbury’s settlement figure of $550 million been far too little and affecting the ability of the University to rebuild without the taxpayers continued increasing assistance and further the Students Association plans to rebuild the much awaited “Foundry” high rise?
In summary should this and as I say above other possible class actions succeed then does that make it clear, unequivocal perhaps, to the general public that the law is not for them but just for those whom practice it? Surely the law is to protect the vulnerable when the need arises? If my suggestion only is correct then the rule of law has failed irrevocably.
I await the University of Canterbury’s tutor/academia’s response and the ensuing debate/argument which I trust you will not shy away from ladies and gentlemen.
“No Nukes” University of Canterbury Year One Law Student Number 86829284
E. & O. E.