University of Canterbury NZ Council Election for Student Representative By Candidate – Blog 31

Blog # 31 Dear Fellow six candidates and student voters for the University of Canterbury Council Student Representative
Tomorrow and Friday you get to vote for one of the 7 candidates and please get out and vote.
As candidates we attended a briefing meeting at 1600 hours on Monday afternoon and were verbally briefed by the U C Registrar doubly acting as the Returning Officer of the election and minutes were taken by a lady Joanne X in a little yellow booklet about A5 size.
These minutes formed the most revealing part of the rules such as they are. Immediately after the meeting a request for the copy of these minutes was made under the Official Information Act and was refused. This was witnessed. Yesterday a formal hand delivered request for a copy of the election briefing minutes was delivered to the sixth floor reception of the Matariki Building. Stapled to this one page request was a stamped addressed envelope. At time of writing the minutes are not with me. There is no good reason for this information to be withheld. I call it Institutionalised Discrimination
Therefore in their appalling absence I advise from the minutes I took a number of points stand out.
1 The position for the successful candidate on Council will be controlled by an employment contract with the University. One candidate will already have an employment contract with the University Of Canterbury Students Association The candidate is named James Addington whom you just, in error, voted in. He already receives a sum of money from his current position on the current U C S A Executive. The additional salary on Council will be at least $20,000. (what the Returning Officer Field stated is contrary to all the documents previously produced to all of the students including those who have “opted out” of belonging to U C S A which is around 1800.) To this must be added the $48,000 candidate Addington will receive from the UCSA. Plus it was announced that the current President “Two pay packets” Sarah Platt will be retained for an uncertain period of time. This will mean another vehicle needing to be purchased by the UCSA for candidate Addington. This shows that when and if in the unlikely event successful, candidate Addington when going to each and every meeting of the council will have to announce he has a “conflict of interest” at the outset. This is an existing practice of the Council. Then when he speaks he will have to tell in advance from which of his two employers is he representing at the time he speaks. Will he be speaking for the over 10,000 student or for the greatly reduced University Council of 12 persons? If you vote for someone who has to declare a “conflict of interest” every time he speaks you have failed to understand how appalling this really is. Try “Uncle Google” for “conflict of interest” (Lawsoc are challenged to express their viewpoint on the term “conflict of interest”). Even the same will apply when he speaks to any student on campus. Example student approaches the candidate Addington with an issue he or she wishes considered and then when a reply comes out of the mouth of candidate Addington the student will have to seek clarification as to which of his two employment contracts he is speaking from. It is farcical. However our current UCSA President Ms Sarah Platt receives two pay packets as does our Chancellor Woods whom sits on another local University board as well. Lincoln. More examples of conflicts of interest. Chancellor Woods has been in receipt of this expression of concern about his conflict of interest but is to elitist even to deny it. When no denial of this situation is received the real danger is that it may have an untoward effect on the reputation on both of the Universities both here and abroad. The University of Lincoln is well known for political bias which in real terms is political discrimination. I can confirm that in the run up to the last General Election they held a public meeting and invited Nationals candidate Amy Adams and now your current Minister of Justice and M P for Selwyn but not the known and registered candidates for the N Z Labour Party (yours truly) nor the Green Party nor the N Z First Party. That says it all.
2 The Returning Officer Jeffery Field announced at the briefing meeting in front of all seven candidates that a complaint (he omitted to say a formal one) had be received about one of the candidates and advised he had a small look at social media and would do nothing about it. Neither Mr Field nor Joanne actually got off their chairs and went and had a look on campus. More importantly Mr Field failed to actually ask the subject of the complaint candidate Addington to explain himself. Candidate Addington sat about 900 millimetres away. Bone lazy public servant. I have seen a copy of this complaint and it did concern the current UCSA member and candidate Addington whom was already advertising for votes well in advance of nominations even closing. By allowing this to become acceptable and continuing to be acceptable for one candidate and not all of the candidates the Returning Officer Field has shown bias and giving this is a political election has shown himself to be guilty of political discrimination and has by his own actions endorsed candidate Addington. This is appalling behaviour by a public servant with an employment contract which is already under scrutiny. Our current President Sarah “two pay packets” Platt was present when this investigation into the employment matter involving the Registrar and as well the Returning Officer was discussed at full Council level but refuses to tell the 10,000 students about this and therefore is withholding vital information as to the suitability of otherwise for the Registrar to also attempt to act in a fit and proper manner as the Returning Officer. We don’t even know if an accurate roll of eligible voters exists. In the normal course of events any student could write to the Council on such serious matters but no not at U C. This has been formally confirmed to me by Vice Chancellor Roderick Carr
3 There is considerable correspondence between a student and a candidate with the Minister of Tertiary Education Hon Stephen Joyce but due to a convention I cannot discuss much of it as although I have asked formally for this convention to be waived he has failed to do so. He has replied but failed to address my request to be allowed to debate the contents with the voters. How undemocratic is that? All it would have taken is an “ok by me “and we would be right amongst the debate. “What I can say”, to use the oft opening words of the Prime Minister John Key is that this correspondence goes to the very heart of the reason you are here at U C, the degree and how it will be viewed in the future by employers. In my view bribery is involved.
4 Looking at the timing of this election Nominations closed Monday night, “the Cheetah” like candidate is already advertising and therefore votes ahead at nomination closing time. We have two days to campaign, The minutes of the rules meeting are withheld, then voting is over by Friday night Trust UCSA are putting on another piss up like last time All welcome and the last one was great and was in the Undercroft room where you get the “two pinga” rice. Back to the haste of this 4 day election and I refer to a document prised from the hand of the Chancellor John “Two pay packets” Woods “CNZM,QSO,BA,MA Hons,(Cant),BA(Oxf), LittD (2018)”under the terms of the Official Information Act and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act (yes this University does not even now which Acts of Parliament it is bound by but Minister Joyce has been asked formally to amend the legislation on this foolish situation) Note this letter is dated “24 June 2015” and it is addressed to ‘’The President University of Canterbury Students Association” “Dear Sarah” Therefore the University knew they needed to hold this election from the date the Amendment was Gazetted which was “11 June 2015” There was never any need to abuse the democratic process like this. Chancellor Woods goes further and states that “On behalf of Council, I would request that UCSA take all steps necessary to ensure that the election of a student representative for Council can be managed in conjunction with the UCSA elections. Again further evidence displaying the current anti-democratic haste. Two days to campaign, make signs, put signs up, take them down, is a joke. Unless of course you are already advertising and have lots of idle signs
The Registrar and Returning Officer advised he would not be providing any forums for debate to take place The main obstacle apart from the obvious lack of good governance by the University Council and basic planning being “Security”.
5 Recently I asked the N Z Student Association to come to campus and allow them to approach the 10,000 students to offer them the option of joining the nationwide body and was advised that UCSA don’t respond to attempts to meet with them. It came as no surprise that in the room next door to our briefing room a meeting took place between the very same parties at the very same time.
6 Thanks to the gent who asked about how student opinions would be represented. Simplest way is to meet fortnightly with students, I enjoy talkback radio (which our on campus radio station has declined us candidates air time for this election formally), record their concerns formally have them included as items on the agenda of Council for the meeting, have staff prepare papers on the item, encourage you to attend, invite you to address council should you wish, record which councillors voted which way to enable you to lobby them for change and report back to all students promptly. I have chaired the inaugural Bay of Plenty Conservation Board and it works fine and the delicate matter of the Treaty of Waitangi was involved too.
7 ICE’s Travis is in my ear about U C S A President two pay packets Ms Sarah Platt endorsing “the Cheetah” like Candidate Addington whom I note with dismay is failing to enter the debate proffered to him on my blog. How is that different from political cowardice I ask you? Peas of a pod. Like minds think alike. It is something when the Minister Joyce finally replies to my letter we will all know more about. But Steven can take up to five months to reply. Personally I would not have done what she has. Poor form. I also see she misrepresents the extent of the correspondence that exist regarding her sanctioning by Returning Officer R Divett and suggest she asks him to open his “IN BOX” again. Her actions are all on CCTV also. Our President has also utilised the full data list of student names for this act of endorsement. Given what is written above all candidates should have access to reply to all UCSA voters as well. It’s called the “right of reply” Don’t exist here.

8 The Returning Officer is not returning candidates calls
If you want open and honest representation then the above should show you to vote for me please.
If you want to look at your degree with certainty then Vote Gordon Dickson
Gordon J Dickson Candidate 30/9/2015 E. & O. E.

University of Canterbury Council Anti-democratic Election for Student Representative 2016 Blog 30

Blog #30 .          29/9/2015 Copy of letter sent to the Full Council of the University of Canterbury sent to Council members Jo Appleyard and Roderick Carr
“Messrs Jo Appleyard c/o Chapman Tripp, Catherine Drayton, Bruce Gemmell, Sue McCormack, Anthony Hall, Professor Roger Stokes, Malcolm Peterson-Scott, Ms Sarah Platt, Peter Ballantyne, John Wood, Warren Poh, Sascha McMeeking c/o Ngai Tahu, Roderick Carr et al
Being the full Council of the University of Canterbury 1845 p m 25/9/2015
90 Ilam Road

University of Canterbury Council Elections for Student Representative 2016


Re Candidate Mr J Addington

Dear Jo, Catherine, Bruce, Susan, Anthony, Roger, Malcolm, Sarah, Peter, John, Warren, Sacha, Roderick et al,
It has been brought to my attention that the above described fellow candidate had already started his election advertising to help his election chances earlier today.
This is an appalling anti-democratic behaviour designed to get votes as nominations only closed today at 1700 hours.
Please instruct candidate Addington to take down his advertising immediately
What sanctions exist to penalise this abuse of the democratic process please?
What Act of Parliament are these elections conducted under please?
Clearly candidate Addington has no respect for the reasonable expectation as to fairness requirements of an election of this serious nature and will surely want to withdraw his nomination. Please afford him this opportunity.
Could the University of Canterbury please obtain a legal opinion to ensure they are aware of their legal obligations now rather than later?
I await your email of acknowledgement and subsequent full explanation as to what you have actually done about the anti-democratic behaviour of candidate Addington
What proposals does Council now have to ensure a free and fair election?
Do you agree for a fair election to be held that all candidates must abide by the same rules?
Will you please hold another election and announce you are doing so immediately after your full council meeting?
Candidate Gordon J Dickson AAMINZ
2 Homestead Lane,
Christchurch Email [email protected]

University of Canterbury Council Election 2015 Blog 29

University of Canterbury Council Election 2015 Candidate Gordon Dickson Introduction Blog # 29
“Hello/Kia ora Voters,
I am an adult Kiwi law student from Ohope Beach and a self-employed Quantity Surveyor/Tour Guide. Father of 4 and enjoy fishing, hunting, four wheel driving, skiing, refereeing football and maintaining my own home and my Toyota Hilux Surf 4wd.

I offer to take minutes of the University Council meetings and report any student related issues promptly.
I would like to see if my fellow 14,000 students understand what the democratic process is about, are committed to it, what the word vote really means and to try and plead with them to get out and vote. Responsible adults vote. Please show me the student voters at U C are responsible
I don’t believe the current council members take the Health and Safety of the students seriously This is whereby suspended loads of demolition and construction materials are constantly swung over our heads whereas in the normal turn of events gantries would be provided by “Uncle Fletch” (Fletchers) and “Uncle Arnott” (Hawkins). Fletchers and Hawkins make the money condoned by the current council and you are exposed to unnecessary risk. In effect you are a consumable. I contacted “Uncle Fletch” by email and if you cup your hands you are looking at the reply.
Is the University any better prepared than when the earthquakes struck? If elected I would propose a full scale University evacuation. I was here for the February 2011 earthquake and the evacuation was a fiasco. Many of the building we sit in for our lectures have been badly damaged and do you trust insurance companies to have paid for a fit and proper repair?
The recent ” LOCK DOWN” of C Block that was designed to protect us and the students at other universities was a failure. The Armed Offenders squad brought a sieve to a cordon.
The race based policies promoted by the current university council must be shown for what they are. Blatant exposed racism which is just another form of apartheid really. All students should be treated the same no matter where you come from or what your race is.
The marking system is improvable and if you want to look with doubt at your degree as will employers vote for someone else. Degrees are being given away/handed out etc. Call it what you like
I have been extolled to provide my view on the following. When lectures are cancelled without explanation I believe a refund should be provided to your bank account within 24 hours.
The recent discovery that the U C Students Associations $6.2 million was not in their own bank account is appalling. Just another form of theft/white collar crime really by the current University Council.
The current council applauds false allegations against students from “firearm” issues to “surveillance” of students for a start.
Conflicts of interest abound here at U C including within the University Council itself e g Chancellor “Two pay packets” John Wood.
We need to debate the recent correspondence between myself and the Minister of Tertiary Education, Hon Stephen Joyce who is your responsible Minister, and the Minister of Justice Hon. Amy Adams
More as time permits
Gordon Dickson a k a “No Nukes”
Candidate for the University of Canterbury Council. 25/9/2015

University of Canterbury Student Assoc Executive Election #2 President Candidate Voter Plea 9/7/15 Blog # 28

University of Canterbury Students Associations Elections #2 Update Blog 28
# 1 Scandal and unchallenged assertions. On the “UCSA Elections Exposed” Facebook pages there are assertions that the other two Presidential candidates Messrs Whitehead and Addington have some questions to answer to. Post “Aug 3”
“not mny peple are awear that Presidint candidites Stew Witthed and Jemmy Eddington have bof ben caught stelling monies previously The UCSA wan 2 cover dis up bt we all kno da truf!!”
Fellow Presidential candidates please come out formally and either deny the allegations or acknowledge them. The current balance of the UCSA executive should either support you or will by their silence be seen not to be denying the assertions. Come on Luke, Sarah, Cam, Daniel, Michael, Henry, Liv, Finlay, Emily, and Samantha time to front up and tell all 34 of the candidates and the voters the truth. Quite simply are the assertions true or false? Voters and candidates have a right to know. Were the police involved? Should they be? Or in all reality is this a student just making mischief? If the asserter of the above assertions has information about this possible “stelling” then he or she should go to the constabulary. Take for an example only a local M P, Wigram for example, if he had information to help the N Z Police with their enquiries I am confident that he would walk straight into the nearest police station and say I want to inform the N Z Police as it is my duty as a New Zealand citizen to do so. The “Facebook” asserter is encouraged to do so and urgently as we need to clear this controversy up before voting commences. We don’t want to have UCSA election number 3 do we?

#2 Censorship
“Blog for students, by students” on your “Current Students” page
This blog in reality has a ten day censorship period as I discovered so current issues are withheld from discussion unless you have a cooking recipe.

#3 Tutor/ Lecturers office visits
“The tutor is working at home today” and therefore can’t see you. How do we know this? Could be at Mt Hutt skiing. Tutors and Lecturers should have core hours on U C Campus and we the paying students should know them. My policy if elected.

#4 Employment Matters involving three senior University of Canterbury staff are ongoing at this time. Your current “President two pay packets” is withholding this information from you. Reprehensible behaviour of elected representatives.

# 5 Political Science students apathy. They should be out there doing live polling and getting back to the students saying who is leading the race and who is improving in the polling that they are conducting. But they aren’t, lazy tykes.
Come on Bronwyn help the second election. PLEASE

# 6 Conflicts of Interest by several That has been canvasses in my previous blogs. It is appalling and its extent at U C needs to be discovered.
If elected I will not accept two pay packets and the above mentioned highly questioned controversial candidates are press ganged into comment otherwise you will also be seen to be able to hold the title of “President two pay packets” just like UC Council member “Two pay packets” John Woods QSM etc etc

# 7 Dishonest candidates The existing/incumbent, already on the UCSA Executive Presidential candidates whom are putting themselves forward are Messrs Addington and Whitehead. These names keep popping up and are surrounded in controversy yet again. It is known that the current UCSA executive claim to have in its possession a legal opinion substantiating its decision to abandoned the first election. It is known that the current UCSA executive are withholding this opinion despite repeated formal and in person requests, from the voters, UCSA members and the second lot of candidates. The only people who can really tell us if this supposed/possible/alleged/ purported document exists are the executive members themselves of which my fellow Presidential competitors are two. Now comes the honesty test of my fellow candidates [(cant even bring myself to mention their names particularly as I want you to vote for me (GORDON) and want to distance myself from such ongoing, continuing and unaddressed multiple controversies].
Candidates James and Stewart. Have you seen this supposed/purported/possible legal opinion? If so what date is it? What does it say? How many pages are there? Which law firm provided it? What was the name of the solicitor whom signed it? Was it by Duncan Webb or any other staff person’s members of Lane Neave? Was it by Jo Appleyard or any other of the staff persons of Chapman Trip? Was it by UC staff? If you claim not to have seen it then why not, as this was a supposed executive decision to abandon the previous election? Do you support my policy that the current UCSA executive should not be withholding documents from the membership?
My view is the decision to abandon the previous election was a preventable and flawed one. (Totally unnecessary in my view given the information that existed within the incumbent UCSA executive the entire time but gesticulated at)

# 8 The deafening silence of Lawsoc about their recent elections is deplorable and anti-democratic. Remember this is where the entirety (dozens) of these Lawsoc members and law student candidates refused to take questions from the floor from the voters at the Lawsoc elections. The incoming executive will always have a shadow of doubt of their election success. In one case it was not an election it was a selection due to this extremely exceptionally fortunate candidate who should know better (the name to be revealed unless he comes out of the world of silence and defends his selection) having information in addition/ over and above/ instead of etc, etc, to the mass membership and other candidates. It became as selection instead of an election. A clear breach of the constitution and as the “Loresoc” membership are all law students I implore them to hit the Incorporated Societies Act and compare that to their very own constitution. Particularly the voiceless/muzzled/I won’t take questions from the voter types, but highly successful (yeah right) candidates. The incoming and outgoing executives are herein accused of unbelievably bad practices and in a few months you will want to be seen as able to pass the Bar exam. This will show how low the bar really is. It is currently resting on the ground. As a voter and Lawsoc financial member I could not even find out if the numerous candidates were members of and contributors to the Klu Klux Klan??????? The outgoing President Mr Thomas Scott and Incoming President Mr, I want to get elected, but am not taking questions from the voters, X, are pleaded with to come out into the political arena and comment quickly as UCSA voters are poised to vote for a second time. Please don’t impede the second election UCSA election process. PLEASE As for the akin to Lawsoc representative on the UCSA executive Mr Michael McRae he often has plenty to say Please continue Michael. PLEASE.

# 9 Unsubstantiated rumours must be dispelled. Rather than listen to the unsubstantiated rumours that abound on campus that one of the female students has bonked a tutor. We need to dispel these sorts of rumours unless they are true? If this should be true and I trust and hope it is not it begs the question what was offered in return. An A+ for an end of year exam pass. Does a blow job get you a B+ at U C?
If elected I would resolve to expel the, should there be one in existence, exposed UCSA member from the Association.

#10 The tower cranes swings Their concrete counterweights and rubbish skips above us should have warning lights fixed to the fences at either end of their swings to warn us students when above our unprotected heads. The normal alternative would be a gantry or some open ended 40 foot containers. Someone is being paid for Health and Safety (for the purposes of this election let’s call them “Uncle Fletch” and “Uncle Arnott”) and you my fellow students are being exposed to unnecessary risk. Only takes a small portion of debris from a skip or a concrete counter weight to fall and injury and death could result. I have written to “Uncle Fletch” but no reply forthcoming. My policy. If you like it vote for me please

#11 U C S A Money For candidates to comment on UCSA funds the current financial officer on the executive Cameron Bignell is asked to tell us how much the student association received from the $550 million from the IAG/UC global settlement and is it in our bank account or is it in a U C bank account getting interest for them instead of the Association. Remember voters we own 62% of the old Foundry and the current executive want to water this down when there are alumni out there prepared to give debentures and donations to help the situation. I donated a sum at the beginning of the year for a fundraising account and it took 5 months to get a receipt! It does not take 8 years to knock down a two storeyed building and build a smaller one.

Candidate Gordon J Dickson Normally of OHOPE BEACH, BAY OF PLENTY
E. & O. E.
Personal blog
GET OUT AND VOTE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Adults vote are you an adult?

University of Canterbury Students Association Repeat of Cancelled Executive Elections 2015 Blog 27

Blog # 27 University of Canterbury Students Association Executive Election of Officers Number 2 ????
Day one after nomination being accepted by Candidate “No Nukes” and a bit of candidate profile mixed in
Exciting as day one.
A. Nearly got beaten up and arrested, got an apology from the leader of the New Zealand Labour Party and List MP Andrew Little, attended the partially attended candidates briefing and afterwards was again approached from behind and had a succinct discussion with President “two pay packets” Ms S Platt and so far have four confirmed votes.
Let’s start with the “nearly got beaten up and arrested” part. As a year one and year three Law student one needs to test the law to ensure it is robust. Have some experience in the environment court, Sea level rise, global warning etc. So when I heard there was a “lock down” on campus. I spotted the boys in black heavily guarding the C block complex. So took a few photos wandered up the lane straight into the cordoned off area and entered the building unopposed or unchallenged if you like. Wandered around for a while took a few photos considering what to do next. Then it all happened. I heard the pitter patter of feet from behind and thought this is it as I stood there with heavily loaded back pack and large Botswanan satchel and braced myself to be thrown to the floor with a dozen or more Armed offenders squad members jumping on top of me bending my arm up my back (again), handcuffed, pepper sprayed and having a dozen or so Glock pistols pointed at me as well as another unknown number of black intimidating laser emitting Armalite rifles being pointed at me as well. Expecting to be searched and thrown in the back of the paddy wagon and off to the nearest police station top face the wrath of the Judiciary. Hoping not to get Judge Neave again as he has accused me of bringing a “gun” to his court before. The hairs on the back of my neck were raised in fear and anticipation of the pain and detainment that was about to befall me. So I turned around expecting to put up my arms in the surrender position and claim a Writ of Habeas Corpus and instead of heavy armed members of the Armed offenders Squad with red lasers pointed all over my torso there stood Doris all 42 kilograms of her, no rifle, no Glock, no handcuffs, no screaming get down on the floor put your hands behind your neck etc tasked with the role of finding out what I was doing inside the heavily secured cordon on behalf of the A O S. Though might be able to take her out quickly and make a run for it but then remembered she had back up aplenty and any commotion would make things worse. I did think of making a run for the men’s thinking she would not enter that male sanctuary. In hindsight thought should have put my back pack down in the middle of the floor and ran out yelling “suspicious package” and headed to the safety of the Foundry. With further hindsight wished I had had a bomb. A stink bomb that would have got the attention of the senior officers in lecture hall C1. Elvis would not have been the only one leaving the building. Upon leaving the building I did ask the assembled black attired heavily armed boys in black that were they aware that they all had just witnessed someone whom had entered this heavily cordoned off area. I trust they would have included this incident in the debrief but who knows.

B. No repeated met the candidate’s opportunity for this election for other than the Presidential candidates and this disappointedly includes the finance candidates whom last time could not tell us how much money the U C S A had. We need to find out how much of the recent $550 million pay-out form I A G was for the Foundry, 62% of which is owned by you the UCSA membership. If elected I would have put up a list of current UCSA bank account balances for all members to see on the wall at the UCSA reception by noon Wednesdays. Transparency is important to regain the trust of the membership. Please remember the current executive could not muster enough members to turn up to the last Half AGM to change the constitution despite offering free lunches. This money and it will be many millions of dollars must be put into a UCSA bank account and urgently.

C. The reapplying candidates have had two weeks of campaigning for the cancelled election and now they have the advantage of being afforded another two weeks campaigning. So they get four weeks publicity and the 4 new candidates get two weeks. Unfair and unnecessary. Dirty politics all over again.
D The returning Officer has been asked to get another legal opinion but hasn’t got back to me yet This relates to the issues in his inbox. He has refused to extend the nomination period sadly.
E What I like about University of Canterbury I can get in 6 runs at Mt Hutt and still make my one o’clock lecture
F Pet hate. Snowboarders They sit on the chairlift listening to music not meeting new people like the hordes of our Australian tourists at Mt Hutt and then when they get to the top of the chairlift they have to sit down for a rest or something and get in the way of us real mountain types. Get your own mountains.
G Vehicle 4WD Toyota Hilux Surf Great for hunting and fishing. Whilst on the subject of Huntsoc. A formal expression of concern in accordance with the Constitutions of both the UCSA and Huntsoc has not been responded to by the existing Executive of UCSA. This is another breach of the UCSA Constitution. It related to the ongoing prevalence of a drug at the Huntsoc meetings. These persons have firearms licences and are acting irresponsibly. Good time to commence the debate about access to the Conservation Estate given the increasing number of tourists needing to know it is safe and they don’t have to worry about being scoped and shot at by irresponsible youth, including Huntsoc members, with high powered rifles.
H Best place and country visited Savuti Channel, Chobe National Park, Botswana. Imagine waking up in the morning with a pride of lions equidistant from your tent to the bush toilet and having them chasing Zebras around your tent repeatedly in the night. As a friend of mine says if you are not living on the edge you are taking up to much room.
I Occupation Self-employed Quantity Surveyor/Mediator/Arbitrator/Contractor and Health, Safety and Environmental Advisor
J Favourite jobs. Working with John Cleese for a week on a Monty Python film and guiding and driving tourists around Europe at high speed and Africa at slow speed.
K There have already been a number of irregularities and to President “two pay packets” I ask if I can produce a legal opinion that states this second attempt at an election is “invalid” would you resign then? The other candidates are of course expected to comment and wade into the political fray.
L Some of the candidates aren’t even here so I cant even walk up to them and ask them a question or two
M If elected would use the first second pay-packet to purchase a baby changing table for the solo parents whom expressed concern to me about the lack of this facility.
N The oft heard concern is that the international students want to “party with Kiwis” and this needs to be addressed. So a good way to get involved would be to join Maorisoc as they are putting on a Hangi soon and need volunteers to help. Good way of learning about Maoridom and this wonderful cooking method Get to meet people prepare food and then eat and party.
O As to political correctness. Gone too far at U C. This recent supposed Ensoc issue. The supposed independent chair of the meet the candidates meeting during the first election when asked to clarify his question in relation to Ensoc by one of the candidates blankly refused. This gentleman has been asked via the offices of his employers to stay out of this election. With the limited knowledge I have it looks like the University have bullied the Engineering Society. Bullying is not tolerated at education institutes anymore. If elected there would be a fancy dress day with huge cash prizes and I ask all the Ensoc members to wear there Ensoc emblazoned regalia/attire on the second day back after break Please. The following if elected fancy dress day will be called a “Section 14 of the Bill of Rights Day” Followed by a pissup at the temporary Foundry. The current executive have hung Ensoc out to dry
P The state verses the church has long been debated. My view is that this University is a state owned, paid for and run education institute. As to the role of the various churches at U C. Please go into the James Hight library and ask at the librarians at the counter to view some religious texts. You will find you are being directed to the Fiction (google that word please) part of the library. As to the Virgin Mary having a baby boy. Yeah Right. I do invite those of the religious persuasions to join the debate. As we have many construction opportunities commencing including the Foundry Complex I invite the various religions on campus to join the debate and tell all of us if you feel that by the University of Canterbury has discriminated against you by not providing places to meet and pray. Do you feel it is appropriate to have the call to pray sounded out on this state owned and operated University of Canterbury campus at the times you are normally called to prayer?
Q The current executive have had approaches and offers of help from the N Z University of Students Association but don’t return calls or answer emails. UCSA is in need of help and all the voters need to know this help is available and being refused. We are out on a limb conducting our second election and our executive are refusing to show all 12,000 members the legal opinion they claim to have but wont let us candidates see it either so we can comment on it We don’t even know who issued it IF AT ALL. You other candidates should be asking for this possible/supposed opinion too but are you complicit in this situation?
R Lawsoc should be screaming out for this possible/ perhaps/ unsighted/ from an unknown source/ possibly doesn’t exist opinion so you can show you have an opinion. What is the point of being a Lawyer if you don’t have an opinion? On the subject of the recent Lawsoc elections. The Lawsoc executive formally and repeatedly refused to provide candidate details and positions sought for. However the incumbent executive who were putting themselves forward for re-election were privy to this information. That enabled these very few people to see what positions were being contested, in what strength and those positions for which no applications had been received for. So if you really wanted to get on unopposed as an existing executive member then all you had to do is look at the information the executive has and were withholding from the balance of the membership i.e the majority and nominate accordingly. The appalling part of this is that the voters were not permitted to question the candidates simply because we did not know who they were. When I discovered this situation I emailed the members of the existing executive as these names were known and got a range of responses. Some of the responses in relation to honesty were different from what you would find in most dictionaries. So armed with this information I attended the AGM and not one of the candidates would take questions from the voters. Some of these now elected candidates could well be members of the Klu Klux Clan and were protected by the executive from voter questioning by the sitting, in full view executive. One of whom was extremely extremely fortunate enough to get elected unopposed . Other candidates comments encouraged please.
S There are no provisions for scrutineers to be able to watch the votes being counted in the second UCSA Executive elections. This is shocking. The returning Returning Officer who is responsible for the returns cannot be trusted. I encourage as many as possible to vote at the UCSA offices and take a photo of the voting paper so you can turn up after voting closes and ask where your vote was recorded. Don’t be fobbed off. Get hard.
T Abortion. My view on the U C counsellors telling female students who get up the duff at university to proceed with an abortion is that the first phone call should be to the father and then to both sets of parents. It should not be up to a Crown owned entity like U C to get involved in this at all. This would enable the new father to put two hundy a week in his budget for child support. Please send this candidate day 1 update to your parents and grandparents and see whether or not they want to be involved in the decision as to whether or not they want to be grandparents and great grandparents?
U Normal place of residence Ohope Beach in the Eastern Bay of Plenty
V Next set of footsteps from behind belonged to outgoing U C S A President “two pay packets” Discussions in the past have led to misunderstandings and she advised she had emailed me as a result of her phoning me on Wednesday and upon checking this email has not been received by me. What I can say is that I spoke to the President at “O” week on Ilam field and told her that a previous election had had candidates on the voting papers that were not registered in accordance with the election requirements and received votes despite telling the then Returning officer and the then UCSA President then that these irregularities existed. Plus I left a note for the successful Presidential candidate about this. WOFTAM. There is a formal question with our President about her overdue resignation and the Vice President has a formal request in his possession to take over. Someone loan Luke a laptop please.
W I will advocate for the earthquake repairs to be commenced to the ADULT student’s room and have tea, coffee and a fridge etc facilities installed now that we have been kicked out of our normal child friendly accommodation by U C
X The speech by the leader of my Parliamentary wing of the New Zealand of the N Z Labour Party Mr Andrew Little was well attended and the received apology was received with joy. The frank discussion afterwards between us was just that frank. Had hoped he would make a substantial campaign contribution but not forthcoming was Andrew.
Z If elected the ponderous consultants will be given 5 working days to call for expressions of interest from suitably experienced demolition contractors to get rid of the old foundry. It is obvious it is in the way of progress. It does not take 8 years to demolish and replace a two storeyed building.
That’s it for day one voters UC Student 86829284 E & O E
Gordon J Dickson AAMINZ
Any responses can be dropped off at UCSA Reception thank you
It is your future please get out and vote for your own future

University of Canterbury Students Association Second 2015 Executive Election #26

University of Canterbury Students Association whose second 2015 Executive election for which nominations opened yesterday are refusing to make formally requested Nomination forms available and by doing so are bringing the name of the Students Association into further disrepute. People are laughing at the Executive. This is again embarrassing. The contact details of the Returning Officer are being withheld. This means this election is irregular already and therefore the executive should seek another legal opinion to see if this election is invalid already and should be cancelled too. Please remember the Executive headed by “President two pay packets” is refusing to make available the supposed legal opinion that they are relying on to cancel the last election. The members of the Students Association all 12,000 of us cannot say for sure if such a legal opinion exists because we cannot see it. The is an Official Information Act request with the University of Canterbury about this possible ” legal”  opinion but there are already irregularities as to how that is being dealt with. Soon we can have our third election Perhaps a fourth or fifth?

University of Canterbury Students Association and Lawsoc Elections #25

The President, All members of the Executive and all the members of the Otago University Students Association
I am intending to apply to come to “OU” next year
Here at the University of Canterbury where I am a first year student our Student’s Association elections have been cancelled, the Association’s President known as “President two pay packets”, supposedly speaking for the Executive, claims to have a legal opinion justifying this appalling decision and despite having been asked for it formally has refused to make it available to the 12,000 members of the Association or the candidates for whom voting had already commenced. The Returning Officer and fourth year U C Law and Commerce student refuses to comment and does not answer correspondence sent to him on Facebook on the UCSA page or by email and even when reminded at the first of the two debates still fails to pen to paper or fingers to the key board. The access to both UCSA Notice Board and the UC Accom page is not available to all voters although that is where the debate commenced. There are allegations of racism, allegations of a “firearm” being on campus, Huntsoc have been asked to hold their meetings either 25% drug free or 50% drug free or 75 % drug free. NZ Mountain Safety Council are refusing to comment on this dangerous Health and Safety issue. Huntsocs response is for a Society member to contact the fellow member of the society by email, although they provide the addresses, is a breach of privacy of the Huntsoc member. This view is supported by the outgoing UCSA executive
There are at least 10 reasons why the voting should have never commenced in the first place. This happened in the 2011 UCSA elections also. The Association is being economical with the truth and the Vice President refuses to comment on the failure of the President and won’t take over the Presidential role until the elections are held again. This second election date is not known either. The Human Rights Commissioner will respond in detail soon.
In fact we do not know if such a legal opinion exists. The names of the provider, if it exists, has been withheld from the members also. Could well be from the U C Law faculty who overinvolved themselves in the election and showed repeated examples of bias despite being formally told twice to leave the student elections to the students. A fracas on the stage during the Presidential election debate was narrowly avoided. Imagine your law lecturer lecturing class nursing a sore and reddened nose and wearing a “shiner”!
Part of my plans to come to “Dunnas” was to create some employment including some part time work for me and some “scarfies”. I invested over $10,000 in this attempt. So if you are upstairs in the Law Library and look seawards out the window at a nearby factory run by Australian directors you are, or should I say were, looking at a likely source of employment. Even much more important now with the failure of the dairy fraternity to monitor the actions of their directors and the dozens of Fonterra’s millionaire employees. Might as well put the Taieri Plains on Ebay and then the”Cockies” can lament alongside and milk the very same cows they used to own for an overseas owner. Plus accelerate the environmental degradation damage to the once clean Taieri River. When the management & directors of this factory at “51 Forth Street” failed to reply to my attempts to create employment I went to the Allied Press’s local newspaper the Otago Daily Times which proved to be a “WOFTAM” (Waste Of F’in Time and Money) From that you can conclude that although the directors are happy to take their fees from the community they are not committed to cover attempts to create employment in the Otago region. Let alone send a reporter to Forth Street.

Finally I can confirm we have another election this week at U C already surrounded in controversy and should be reheld at a later date. The names of the candidates for the U C Lawsoc elections are being withheld from the voters and members by the outgoing, although the voters are not sure, Lawsoc Executive. The Lawsoc Executive are also refusing to tell the candidates that this most basic of information is being requested of them and therefore is being withheld from the voters until after the commencement of the AGM. Some students have lectures and tutorials and no proxy votes exist even if we did know the name of the candidates which we don’t, Anonymous and faceless and how do we know they even exist if they don’t have a name or gender or race or religious persuasion etc This is U C!

My questions of O U Lawsoc are
1 If and when you have elections will you make the names of the candidates available if asked before the opening time of the AGM?
2 Would it make any difference if there were incumbent members re applying to be elected?
3 Does your constitution allow firstly you to announce the names and secondly to make available the contact details of the candidates?
4 Do you see it as an advocacy role to make sure the names and statements of the candidates are promoted to the voters?
“No Nukes” UC Student 86829284 and Voteless 16/8/2015
Some considerable more reading on the elections and the University Council and the Law Faculty are available at

University of Canterbury Student Association Executive Elections Updated 14/8/15 Blog # 24.

University of Canterbury Christchurch Canterbury New Zealand 14/8/2015
A student and voters perspective of the UC Students Association Executive  Elections currently underway and the University of Canterbury including the Council.
1 The UCSA Executive election Returning Officer is refusing to supply contact details of the Presidential candidates for comment on the continuing voting irregularities.
2 He is refusing to allow scrutineering of the election.
3 The outgoing President of the UCSA Ms S Platt known as “President two pay packets” has been asked to resign and the Vice President has been asked to take over. The President refuses to resign and the Vice President Luke Gillespie refuses to comment.
4 The Student magazine “Canta” that has again been allowed to be printed and circulated only contains the details of one of the Presidential candidates The disadvantaged candidate has failed to comment. They acknowledge they are mates.
5 The Full Council of the University are aware of this and although recently criticising the Engineering Society they can be seen by their negligence to be complicit in the latest debacle involving the repeated allegations of racism on campus. They falsely advertise their meeting venue and neither the minutes nor the agenda on their website. So  as student I was directed to the wrong venue and had no minutes of agenda neither
6 It has taken months to finally have the opportunity to view the University’s Health and Safety Policy believing in the first instance, that the now known to be called “Operators” of the various halls of residence, Campus Living Villages (N Z ) Ltd, had their own Health and Safety Policy. Because they don’t answer correspondence then one never knew. My letter to all directors both here and Sydney is dated “1/6/2015” Not one of the 3 Directors has proved to be literate and two of them live here in Christchurch. One has a role in the direction of Canterbury rugby I believe. The proper authorities describe the issue I am trying to research as “the possibility of ignition from the element is very real”. Dated “27/5/2015” Additional information is sought and awaited. You parents with children in these halls of residence should be getting motivated about now. What does it take for a Kiwi parent to get motivated? A call from the hospital to advise you your offspring and student at U C is in hospital with third degree burns and not expected to survive? If you want more of this then get the “USCA Notice Board” and the “UC Accom” Facebook pages back open to all and contacting the three Directors of Campus Living Villages (N Z) Ltd would be a good start. Again the UCSA with its advertised “Advocacy” role should be available but is not. Council is complicit in this also.
7 The Alumni are a disgrace after having lost their voting rights to the “Court of Convocation” (was a new one to me to) and therefore have no real input into the Council anymore. Nincompoops
8 Correspondence to the Council members must also be sent to their workplaces to avoid the age old phrase of “if only I had known sooner I could have done something” This includes a former Taieri High School student and now District Court Judge Colin Docherty and possibly high profile lawyers, a CTU representative as well.
9 The UCSA cannot take issues achieved as a result of student input and then by resolution by UCSA Executive to the full Council and come back with information as the President is bound by secrecy as the Council meeting is held for most part with the “Public excluded”. The minutes are incomplete and inaccurate, they are not recorded digitally and the staff report recently, which included the word, well it is pointed and goes bang, was false, miniscule and accepted without question by the Council of around 14 persons.
10 One of the numerously titled Councillors Mr J Woods is refusing to address issues of “conflict of interest” but it is known he receives two pay packets and what would be the point of talking to this QSM etc. when you do not know which pay-packet he is speaking from. He should resign while the Minister of Tertiary Education M P Hon Stephen Joyce, well known for abandoning his office and his at least six Port Folios to swan around Northland offering election bribes to try and keep, in a failed attempt to retain which is now Winston’s seat, safe. He would only appoint another stool Pidgeon on Council.
11 Senior law staff acting as the Chair for the two UCSA election debates, despite being formally ask after the first lecture along with the head of the Law School Christopher Gallavan, to stop showing bias in favour of one candidate to the disadvantage of the others still proceeded the very next day and dominated the question time when there were more serious issue to be discussed like the racism allegations. Do the candidates support the reestablishment of the Rugby League team, better facilities for solo parents on campus including better baby/child facilities? Difficult to criticise my own lecturer but the truth is best out to avoid even more unsatisfactory repetition and observed bias. This learned Chairperson even tolerated a specifically aimed question to the clear advantage of one candidate in the presidential debate by the very gentleman whose task it was to act as an “Independent” observer and recorder of the election called “ICE”.
12 The real risk here is if any of the unknown numbers of students who attempted to vote yesterday and could not then they are unlikely to vote again and they therefore do not have their vote recorded . They have made a reasonable attempt and that is unacceptable Or well should be but this is U C. One should not have to vote twice or more to have your vote recorded.
13 The voting for the UCSA elections commenced yesterday and at least one candidate to his credit has raised the issue of not all students are able to vote on an equal basis. See Facebook page for candidate Evans
14 The Human Rights commissioner has acknowledged the expressions of concern raised with his office
15 The initial election debate that started on the UCSA Notice Board Facebook page has been curtailed by an unknown person as has the UC Accom site. No freedom of debate at U C!
16 The illiterate styled directors of Campus Living Villages (N Z) Ltd not to be confused with the international operations of a similar name, have now resorted to hiding behind their night staff instead of proving they are literate and have a voice. There has been enough discussion and court cases on the subject of directors after the Global Financial Crisis. Our former Minister of Treaty Settlements is shown on the Campus in photographs in the company of the most senior Ngai Tahu person Sir Tipene O’Regan This director has been in high profile court cases.
Whilst on the subject of Sir Tipene. Recently Sir Tipene O’Regan came to campus and at the end of his poorly attended but enlightening speech on the Treaty of Waitangi he “dare”d anyone to ask questions I so dared I invited him to come back and to his credit he accepted. This invitation has been formally extended to him. Given the recent controversy involving the 5 legislatively protected dead native pidgeons (Kereru) within Ngai Tahu boundaries it seems a good time to debate with Sir Tipene and his team here on Campus where freedom or expression is frequently advocated. I would be able to lean forward and in David Lange style see if I could smell what is known in some parts as the “illegaltegal” on his breath. Strange how the media aren’t asking senior Maori leaders about this and enable them to deny that they have  dinned on Kereru. Maori Council Chairpersons perhaps? I am confident the Sir Tipene is up to the challenge. Time will provide the answer. USCA could host such a debate and sell tickets as I am sure there are lots of people out there including Forest and Bird who would partake in such an event and pay “handsomely”. I herein invite prominent Maori Law Lecturer on the Treaty here at U C Moka Ritchie to join my team. That way we could see the law is paramount/sacrosanct in the eyes of the University of Canterbury Law School. Thanks in anticipation my “lecturer” on the Treaty of Waitangi. Imagine my “lecturer” hurriedly and surreptitiously passing some dental floss to Sir Tipene on the other debating team to enable any possible remnants of the debate topic being the “Illegaltegal” to be consumed and concealed in perpetuity. Humour only for the last sentence. Let the debate roll. I was going to ask the presidential candidates about this but others occupied the question time as can be seen from above. I am the student we should have preference at question time. Not U C law faculty staff.
17 Femsoc have made allegations of gender discrimination being practiced by the University of Canterbury and the Council at its head are digging their collective head in the sand as usual.
18 Simple requests for information from the University of Canterbury have to go by the Ombudsman and the Privacy Commissioner which has a delay time of 6 weeks before an officer can be appointed let alone investigated. Requests involving the Council that should be handled by the Registrar Jeffery Field are now being handled by junior staff.
19 The University of Canterbury and Riccarton Community Constable “Kenneth” has been asked to stay of Campus whilst the complaint against him involving the Police Commissioner Michael Bush and the Independent Police Complaints Authority (which consists of one Judge Sir D J Carruthers acting alone and in isolation- read those words again please) Police cannot deny they are involved in at least of two acts of intimidation towards a student on Campus. Can you Constabulary member Pryor?
20 There is correspondence commenced with the Minister of Tertiary Education that goes to the very heart and worth of the word “Degree” from the University of Canterbury. His letter of acknowledgement has been received but his response of detail is still awaited. At least he is no longer denying there was political bias displayed at the last election by one of the Universities in Canterbury. Councillor “two pay packets” Woods who sits on both Councils at the same time is ideally placed to defend the Minister whom appointed him but is surrounded by silence and supported by the balance of Council which includes the current University of Canterbury Students Association “President two pay packets” whom supposedly represents the 12,000 UCSA members at the same time?????????
21 Eventually this debate will get to the real issues of bribery and corruption at U C but lets see if we can get the election rerun and properly this time.
22 “Huntsoc” This issue of requiring the Executive of approximately ten persons (of the Hunting Society) to hold drug free meetings and claiming by contacting the membership via email to discuss this is a breach of the other members “privacy” This has been formally with the UCSA executive for months now. Now the N Z Mountain Safety Council members are failing their membership by refusing to comment. Official Information Act request acknowledged from the Director General of Conservation this morning
23 As to the replacement hub of student activities the “Foundry” It does not take over 8 years to knock down and replace a two storeyed building of which 62% is owned by the U C S A. Why aren’t the local demolition contractors climbing all over the slow and ponderous consultants. At least the demolition contract should have been let by now. . Was thinking of dry hiring a large excavator and a “bath tub” and getting started myself? Completion is expected to take “four more years” Sounds familiar doesn’t it
24 The recent decision by the University of Canterbury not to tell the constabulary about the theft of large quantities of chemicals with the potential for being used in the manufacture of Heroin and Amphetamines for “four days” after the event is another example of disgraceful behaviour In effect this helped the perpetrators evade capture. Akin to aiding and abetting in my view. It will be the same next time.
Do you agree that “UCSA” should re run the election?
“No Nukes” UCSA Executive elections “undecided voter” & U C Student #86829284
E & O E

University of Canterbury Students Association Executive Election 2015

Mr P Gibson,
The Commissioner of Human Rights
Level 3, 21 Queen Street, Auckland
PO Box 6751, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141
Re University of Canterbury Students Association Executive Elections
Dear Paul,
Currently we are close to having to vote for the various candidates. Tomorrow I believe.
Previous election discussion was being held on the “USCA Notice Board” Facebook page. This enabled voters to ask questions and candidates to respond with their election positions. This was occurring.
The access to this website has been withdrawn from myself and I cannot assure the Commissioner that I am the only voter who has had his or her access taken away and the ability to impart my view and receive the view point from the candidates is therefore denied. I can no longer impart my view or ask questions of the candidate seeking further clarification of their already advised positions.
The two “Financial” candidates are refusing to answer questions about money and there are millions of dollars at stake here
The resigning President Ms S Platt is refusing to answer correspondence on this matter as is the Returning Officer Mr Riley Divett whom I spoke to in person yesterday after the first of the debates at the Undercroft at the University of Canterbury.
I consider the real possibility exists that one of the candidates, of a team of three which is led by Mr Addington which includes a Ms Hampson and another (a Current UCSA Executive member) (I cannot be sure as don’t have access to the UCSA Notice Board Facebook page) has mislead the voters and in effect is being protected from voter scrutiny by the Returning Officer and the outgoing UCSA Executive.
The ‘’Canta” Magazine “Election Special” supplied to me yesterday only covers one of the Presidential candidates Mr James Addington and this shows bias by the existing Executive and the magazines editor in favour of this Presidential Candidate at the expense of the other.
Based on the above I hereby lodge a complaint that my ability to impart my view and receive the view of the candidates has been withheld and it is for the office of the Commissioner to decide if this is illegal or not.
I await your reply of acknowledgement and allocated file number.
Please reply urgently as the voting commences imminently
Gordon Dickson Undecided voter.
UCSA Member and University of Canterbury Student Number 86829284
2 Homestead Lane, Ilam, Christchurch 12/8/2015
Hard copy in post

University of Canterbury Student Association Election Debate #1 Blog #22

University of Canterbury UCSA First Election debate casual observation by voter 11/8/15
Dismally attended. Approximately 40 students considered their future was worth an hour of their time. Appalling disrespectful behaviour by supposed/purported kiwi adults!! Or 0.003% of eligible voters!! The years one and two voters where singled out in particular. To the individual U C student it is for you to decide which category you fit into; apathetic, insular, selfish, uncaring, me me me, etc. Perhaps more than one of the listed entitlements may fit many thousands of my fellow students.
It was videoed and the current President will be asked to confirm when this will be online
The Chairperson whom I observed was not, to the best of my knowledge, a member of UCSA played an unusual role
If I may be so bold, this member of the Law Faculty, who shall remain anonymous, (well in the interim any way) whose practice of asking the assembled candidates for Vice President and Financial Officer positions, the pre-circulated questions in the same order allowed the second speaker to turn, his or her turn at the lectern, so to speak, (none of them could actually muster the strength to stand up and address the voters) the unabated opportunity to, in point of fact, have a “right of reply” afforded him or her. I observed notes being taken by one subsequent candidate whilst another competitor spoke.
Perhaps in a school marm fashion this learned gentleman will accept a ruler like “rap over the knuckles” of the metaphorical sort and improve his interpretation of his quasi like statutory role. I would plead /challenge him to adopt another statutory style of interpretation towards the very purpose of the debate platform. In short a level playing field. (Humour) My C+ is looking like am H- Surely I have not doubly jeopardised myself? (Humour)
Then the same gentleman took it upon himself to ask a considerable number of question when I as a UCSA member had a number myself.
I wanted to ask about the overdue Huntsoc/New Zealand Mountain Safety Council matter before the USCA and the already formally asked questions of the candidates regarding the “racist” allegations directed at myself. The current and finally acknowledged by the University of Canterbury “conflict of interest” questions of both the UCSA President and UC Councillor John Woods. Etc
Of course this learned gentleman/debate chairperson is offered the “right of reply” and it is only fair that he should grab it with his keyboard. They say “fortune favours the bold”
As to the result of today’s debate. A draw which is good for those without existing time on the current UCSA. Let’s hope in tomorrow’s debate the two principle protagonists address the questions they have in their inbox already. Today’s debate certainly lacked verve and strength of debate. It resembled a “powder puff derby”!
“No Nukes” UC Student Number 86829284 and undecided voter