Australian Aviation Passenger Safety

Unnecessarily Frightening Experience Airport Health & Safety Debacle                                                                  Australia                                

a.m. Sunday 14 April 2019

0905-0910 a m Arrive Brisbane International Airport, Eagle Farm, Brisbane Australia on Virgin flight VA120 from Dunedin in New Zealand

Exited plane along with everyone else

0915 Picked up a couple of bottles of Baileys at Duty Free

Then walked on and head for the passport control. Initial alarm sounded about this same time

Alarms and audio messages that followed were spasmodic and unclear causing more uncertainty

Find the correct lane and insert my passport as were heaps of others in the slot to get my little multi coloured card confirming I am a fine upstanding person

More alarms and public announcement messages

I was expecting appointed and trained fire wardens to appear from everywhere and identify themselves with arm bands or similar and lead us all to safety

No such luck Just standing there idly waiting for the passport inserted in the slot to produce a little piece of coloured cardboard

Not sure if the alarm had frozen the card producing device or not No help forthcoming and only one uninformed visible female staff person off to my right

General uneasiness existed as we awaited help Everyone looking at each other with uncertainty

0925 a.m. Aussie woman called “Danielle” X in a Border Control uniform takes my mobile phone of me and requires me to delete one of the two the videos I taken. One in Duty Free and one outside of same. I took these on the matter of passenger safety. I took the videos to present to the appropriate authorities, so this never happens again

It was farcical that this level of behaviour existed in 2019

There was a Chinese airliner arriving at the same time and those passengers were milling around the entry to the lanes with the overhead signage to get to passport control

0929 Message over the loud speaker that a “sprinkler” pipe or head had been severed in “Zone 5” with a lady’s voice on more than one occasion

There were other messages telling us the leave the area including telling staff to leave as well. This to all intents and purposes appeared to happen. By this I mean the staff!

Overhead someone say “go through” the “grey double doors” back the way we had come but people were reluctant so when I did push the doors open and leave the main hall into the corridor there was no one there and no signage to say the fire exits were to the right or the left More confusion

More confusion as most people headed left. All that eventually achieved was another pointless circuit back through the Duty Free to which we were again welcomed by the numerous awaiting retail staff The alarm would have been audible to this area as well!

A tall swarvy gent of normal build about 45 – 50 with an accent who looked completely at ease as did his staff and was making no effort to leave audible re-welcomed us Perhaps he was expecting more sales?

During this circular traipse and before re-entering Duty Free I did ask a uniformed lady, whom looked Indian about 30 years of age with long hair to me, who was alighting from the stairwell from the ground level which could have been used to get us all  to safety, where to go and she pointed me in the direction of the Duty Free store. She was in the company of a stout European uniformed male about 35 to 50 years of age. This being the very same direction those ahead of me were heading

So, we all walked back out into the same Passport entry control area via the Duty-Free area having walked in a needless oval

0934 a m Seemed far from certain that anyone was in charge but blokes in uniforms started to appear and looked like Police officers

0942 a m Staff told to re-enter level one but us the passenger never left!! Most of us but note, not all, had walked around in a needless circle at time of risk while in the care of an immense and legislatively required Health & Safety system. Well supposedly so?

Whilst we were waiting at the number “2” baggage carousel upon which rested an initial few items of baggage the loud speaker lady apologised twice on behalf of Virgin Airlines and the Chinese Airlines which is demonstrably improvable as it was the airports fault not the airline

Another example of let’s do nothing and then when we do, we place the blame on someone else Again demonstrably improvable

As I said to Danielle I could have been burnt to death while the staff rested in total safety elsewhere!!

Gordon J Dickson AAMINZ, MNZIQS

260 Pohutukawa Avenue, Ohope Beach, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand

This is written on the morning of the 16th from the notes I took at the time and my recollection

E & O. E.


Men’s Summit Dunedin 12 April 19

From the Co-ordinators – Men’s Summit

Monday 24 February

Men’s Summit Goes South
The New Zealand Men’s Summit 2019 is going south this year to Otago University Rugby clubrooms in Dunedin on Friday 12 April.
It’s time to recognise the male contribution to society as Men Matter Too.
Following successful Men’s Summits in Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland, the move to Dunedin is a great opportunity to broaden your men’s network and spend time in the deep South.
Whether you crash on a mate’s couch, in a cabin, or at a motel, the organisers urge you to get a cheap flight or make the road trip to connect to a varied and informative program. Later in the day there is opportunity for your input to help redress the pressures males find themselves under.
Many women support men in the drive to real gender equality. They also see governmental neglect and judicial abuse that has delivered high male suicide and defathered families as a serious threat to the wellbeing of their sons, grandsons, brothers and uncles. Intelligent observers are aware of the disengagement of males from society. Not good news for females either.
If you are in Dunedin on Thursday prior, there is a meet and greet at the University Rugby Clubrooms from 5.00pm. Refreshments will be available. Casual lunch and tea is included in the cost for Friday. Socialising and entertainment follows a stimulating day.
See the program and rego to be setup by the end of the month on websites for Men’s Summit, Menz Issues and Families 4 Justice or txt your email address to co-ordinators to get your info.
Send this release and program and rego on to friends, media websites and other interested parties.
See you in Dunedin!

Gordon Dickson 027 444 3820
Kerry Bevin 022 594 8093

New Zealand Mens Fourth Summit 2019 in Dunedin

Organisers of the NZ Men’s Summit invite those interested in the welfare of men, fathers, boys and their friends to the Otago University Rugby Football Clubrooms on Friday 12 April next year.

Speakers and workshops will address important issues affecting the well being of males. This significant forum, with a working lunch, in a venue overlooking the Oval offers an opportunity to socialise afterwards and enjoy a weekend in Dunedin.
You are urged to join the pro-male network striving for a more gender-balanced and harmonious society. Most are aware of the neglect and abuse of men’s rights with suicide, depression, false allegations, family injustice, defathering, health defaults. educational failings and media bias delivering greater numbers of dysfunctional episodes involving males.
Men’s groups continue to engage with politicians, agencies and NGOs. New Zealand First is preparing Parental Leave for Fathers. Shared Parenting must also become law. A Ministry for Men will balance input into policy and legislation.
These and other important issues will arise at the Men’s Summit.
A full programme including registration details and costs will be available before the end of the year.
Put NZ Men’s Summit 2019, Friday 12 April. Otago University Rugby Clubrooms in your diary and plan to be there
Men Matter Too!
Phone Numbers for Organisers:
0274443820 : 0225948093

CIV2017-009-331 MinofCourts&JusticeHonAdams


The Minister is being disingenuous when Hon Mrs Adams  in actual fact was being asked as a Candidate for her views in the election and during the election campaign time as well

How does one go about getting the transcript from Judge MACASKILL now?

I refer you to the word “Constitutionally” in paragraph two but here at the University of Otago where I am studying law and politics we have the situation whereby the Faculty of Law academia wont discuss constitutional matters with the students despite being told to do so by the Dean Mark Henaghan and instead repeatedly threaten students with being referred to the Proctor to be dealt with under the Code of Conduct Yes I do mean repeatedly Ask Faculty of Law staff person and lecturer Andrew Geddes in the first instance

Cant get the transcript,  my lawyer is suspended, cant discuss it with the Faculty of Law or the Politics division academia at Otago University, the candidate/Minister Adams wont help, Radio new Zealand wont cover the issue, “Lazy” Lloyd Burr doesn’t return messages, tried to tell Patrick Gower from Newshub to wake up and put two and two together (Even offered him the chance to make $50)

All I want is the transcript and then we will see if we can create some High Court case law relating to Meditations, EQC/Insurance company victims by avoiding litigation, Short Form of Consultant Engagement, get the Member of Parliament to supply the balance of the documents that the existing “exhibit” tells us exist   etc

Law or Lore We need the former and we get the latter.

Unless of course you contribute to my Givealittle page, help me meet my losses to date and I will spend the money trying to get this matter to the High Court   Every little helps Kiwis


CIV2017-009-331 Transcript Request #2 Update

Please see the result of my latest attempt to get the transcript of the legal argument

“ONE CIV2017-009-331

From: McDonald, Andrea
Sent: 18 September 2017 09:46
To: [email protected]
Subject: CIV-2017009-331 Mainland Partners Ltd v H Mason

Your request for a transcript of the hearing on 17 August 2017 has been referred to His Honour Judge MacAskill and the following is His Honour’s direction:

“Transcript refused.
I reject Mr Dickson’s reasons for his request as insufficient.

GS MacAskill
District Court Judge

Andrea McDonald
Deputy Registrar | Christchurch District Court
Unit B, 100 Orchard Road, Airport, Christchurch 8053 | DX WX 10021
DDI: +64 3 3579472 | Ext 63563
Ministry of Justice | New Zealand Ministry of Justice
Welcome to the Ministry of Justice. … Auckland District Court; Auckland High Court; Blenheim High Court & District Court

N B. Went back to the Judge with another reason being the need for this transcript to help my decision to appeal or not.
Opinion I have from Community Law is that if I appeal to High Court I will get the transcript. Beggars belief!


McDonald, Andrea

Yesterday, 09:48
Your request for a transcript has been referred to Judge MacAskill who has made the following order:

“Transcript of legal argument again refused.

GS MacAskill
District Court Judge

Andrea McDonald
Deputy Registrar | Christchurch District Court
Unit B, 100 Orchard Road, Airport, Christchurch 8053 | DX WX 10021
DDI: +64 3 3579472 | Ext 63563

Hmmmmmph Where to from here?

CIV 2017 009 331 Update & Givealittle plea

I have been repeatedly and formally asking Judge MACASKILL for the transcript. He has formally refused to give it to me despite the other party having no objections to my having it. Will try again today with even more material reasons and yes as the Plaintiff I would like to have it read it and maybe take advice to consider where to go next
I would like to thank the the 7 people who have donated so far to my Givealittle page as I have settled yesterday
Have had an email from one of the three Institutes but not my own, AMINZ, disappointingly and sadly. Too late to be of any use in the District Court matter but dont know why they just all didn’t jump in to the District Court or at least try. It is their words in the Short Form of Consultant Agreement I was seeking to be held to and not held to be of little to no worth . More to follow