University of Canterbury Students Association Executive Election 2015

Mr P Gibson,
The Commissioner of Human Rights
Level 3, 21 Queen Street, Auckland
PO Box 6751, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141
Re University of Canterbury Students Association Executive Elections
Dear Paul,
Currently we are close to having to vote for the various candidates. Tomorrow I believe.
Previous election discussion was being held on the “USCA Notice Board” Facebook page. This enabled voters to ask questions and candidates to respond with their election positions. This was occurring.
The access to this website has been withdrawn from myself and I cannot assure the Commissioner that I am the only voter who has had his or her access taken away and the ability to impart my view and receive the view point from the candidates is therefore denied. I can no longer impart my view or ask questions of the candidate seeking further clarification of their already advised positions.
The two “Financial” candidates are refusing to answer questions about money and there are millions of dollars at stake here
The resigning President Ms S Platt is refusing to answer correspondence on this matter as is the Returning Officer Mr Riley Divett whom I spoke to in person yesterday after the first of the debates at the Undercroft at the University of Canterbury.
I consider the real possibility exists that one of the candidates, of a team of three which is led by Mr Addington which includes a Ms Hampson and another (a Current UCSA Executive member) (I cannot be sure as don’t have access to the UCSA Notice Board Facebook page) has mislead the voters and in effect is being protected from voter scrutiny by the Returning Officer and the outgoing UCSA Executive.
The ‘’Canta” Magazine “Election Special” supplied to me yesterday only covers one of the Presidential candidates Mr James Addington and this shows bias by the existing Executive and the magazines editor in favour of this Presidential Candidate at the expense of the other.
Based on the above I hereby lodge a complaint that my ability to impart my view and receive the view of the candidates has been withheld and it is for the office of the Commissioner to decide if this is illegal or not.
I await your reply of acknowledgement and allocated file number.
Please reply urgently as the voting commences imminently
Gordon Dickson Undecided voter.
UCSA Member and University of Canterbury Student Number 86829284
2 Homestead Lane, Ilam, Christchurch 12/8/2015
Hard copy in post

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