Press Release Port Waikato By Election 2023



Gordon J Dickson,                                  Monday 23 November 2023


& Associate Member Arbitrators and Mediators Institute of New Zealand Incorporated, Member New Zealand Institute of Quantity Surveyors Incorporated & Co-Chair NCOM&BONZ

Re – New Zealand Council of the Arbitrators and Mediators Institute of New Zealand Incorporated Members Dr A Kirk, A Skelton, K Keddell, S Arena, M Wallace & K Wiseman,

Arbitrators & Mediators Institute of New Zealand Incorporated,

P O Box 11051,

Manners Street,


New Zealand.                                                [email protected]

Hello Anna, Anne, Kate, Set, Malcolm, & Kate,

Conduct Unbecoming Of The Council of The Arbitrators & Mediators Institute of New Zealand

At our last institutes Annual General Meeting, which was at the outset of our 2023 Annual Conference at the Rydges Hotel in Wellington the 38 attendees present were able to witness potential President Nicole Smith of the Bay of Plenty, being asked to “resign”.

Given that was an unnecessarily length of time ago now and you collectively have failed to achieve any worthy outcome as a result of Nicole’s unnecessarily, unreasonably and lengthy deliberations then it is incumbent of you all to do the right thing and resign immediately as well.

It should not be forgotten that many of our institutes’ members rely upon funding from the Ministry of Justice, who themselves are in further disarray with the recent resignation of the New Zealand Labour Party’s and my Member of Parliament for the East Coast Electorate, Hon Kiri Allan, LLB Victoria University, Wellington, and then Minister of Justice who has potentially been charged with criminal offences after crashing a government car, failing an alcohol breathalyser test and has still yet to appear in the Wellington District Court, which one hopes will be open to the public.

As a result of the request for our potential President to resign the remaining council members should in the normal course of events been active and kept the membership abreast with the matter. You have failed in this regard.

Our Alternative Dispute Resolution service which is the alternative to the choked up, short of Judges, court system has to be seen to be above reproach at this time when members of the public are looking for viable alternatives to the court system, given the large amount of legal disorder that exists in New Zealand at this time.

Any fit and proper elected body would have realised the extremely serious nature of this request of our potential President from an ordinary member, expected to have followed it up diligently and in the normal course of events dutifully notified all the membership of their combined efforts immediately.

By now you should have been calling to all the membership for nominations for a replacement President. Something you have collectively failed to do

Another irregularity occurred at our Wellington Annual General Meeting when one of the attending Council members, when asked a question as the author of a letter from a member of Council dated Friday 23 June 2023, that related to matters from as far back as 2021 and received only recently, proceeded to whisper in the ear of the potential President. No one attending the AGM could hear what was said. Additionally whispering cannot be reasonably be expected to be recorded accurately in our minutes either.

I look forward to the public announcements of your individual resignations

Yours faithfully,

Gordon J Dickson



P O Box 3015,Ohope Beach, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand 3161

Email [email protected]

Distribution U K, Australia, USA, Asia and Canada.

File ref:231113AMINZPotentialPresidentAGMResignationUpdateNSmith

Ohope Beach Part two Work offered 4 Square Dairy

here anymore either. Things are changing for the better at last. Of additional interest is the brochure that has been doing the rounds [particularly but not exclusively in the “PP” part of “the beach”] about gender teaching in the schools. For a while there one of the Ohope Primary Board of Trustee members Frank Cain looked as he was going to join the debate. However there have been two open door public meetings on Ohope and no show has been the outcome. I even found a sponsor for his entry fee to one of them. I would really like to talk freely with the local legal profession about the recent so called Independent Review of Legal Services enabled by the woefully dysfunctional N Z Law Society. As to the two jobs please keep an eye on the Ohope Beach Four Square notice board s’il vous plait.