East Coast Electorate Update 12/10/2023
I have a blog as well and this will be posted there in case “Admin” is influenced unwisely
There has been more recent illegal vehicle use on the Maraetotara Reserve here on Pohutukawa Avenue, Ohope Beach, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. Meaning on the chained off grassed areas
One incident has been reported to the Police The other close to the children’s playground to the Mayor of the Whakatane District Council. NOTE: This reserve is currently only vested in the Whakatane District Council. The true owners are the people of N Z through the Department of Conservation.
. I am a Candididate in the East Coast Electorate, a local environmentalist and have contested three Parliamentary elections for the New Zealand Labour Party Incorporated as a Life Member [Lawyers are currently involved again]. The words “the liar” appear in much correspondence with former Labour Prime Minister Dame/Republican Jacinda Ardern etc
I was the Chairperson of the inaugural Bay of Plenty Conservation Board and chaired the “Green Environmental Society 89” based in Ohope Beach
The subject of the Ohope Beach Volunteer Fire Brigade running over and causing the loss of the life of a small child on the Maraetotara Reserve has been discussed on the Whakatane Community Facebook page before this Admin has allowed me to join again
At the outset I remind you that I went and had a quiet word with the Ohope Beach Fire Brigade on 4 Oct 2022 with Chief Fire Officer Christini and offered the Fire Brigade a simple way of avoiding this matter being raised publicly. They chose not to avail themselves of this opportunity given by me in good faith. Given there have been more events of unnecessary use of vehicles on the reserve then we simply don’t learn from our mistakes
The real truth is that we have a group of people who form an Incorporated Society who were the instigators of and the cause of this unnecessary loss of life. Public documents show that they are the Lions Club of Ohope Beach (Inc), also for some considerable time known as the Ohope Beach Lions Club International.
The truth of the matter is their international lawyers based in Illinois USA, David and Shannon don’t want anything to do with the Lions Club of Ohope anymore
There is also documentary guidance been supplied from the US Dept of Justice “Criminal Division” relating to the Lions Club. This group have a tendency to disregard the reasonable expectations of the community, from foolishly erecting a white cross on the Reserve, continually driving on the reserve despite being told not to by Council, to the repeated involvement of the Whakatane Police. On one occasion I witnessed the Police car on the Maraetotara Reserve as a result of yet another incident. On this occasion involving a sharpened long handled garden implement. As a result of this incident as many at 12 of their members were required to supply statements to N Z Police. The Whakatane Police “inadvertently” misplaced these statements. However, despite being asked to resupply their statements to the N Z Police the Lions Club of Ohope Beach have steadfastly refused to resupply them. This Incorporated Society shows ongoing disdain for the law and the very name and community of the town it takes its name from.
The Lions Club of Ohope Beach (Inc) have stated they had permission to carry out all their activities on the Maraetotara Reserve. They, being with a pad, regalia, a willingness to use violence and disrespect of the law, put simply, lie. Put simply they are a just another unruly gang. I have formally asked to speak with this collective to no avail.
I note also that the Ohope Chartered Club Incorporated have finally and belatedly after many years have woken up and realised that they cannot no longer continue to be seen as being accomplices with the Lions Club of Ohope Beach (Inc). It has been their combined practice to hold so called public political meetings but where not every member of the public can attend. I view these combined Incorporated Societies actions as an exposed and repeated attempt to manipulate the democratic process. The Ohope Charter Club committee don’t reply to correspondence hand delivered en masse to this year’s Annual General Meeting about this. Come on Secretary. Prove you are literate thank you.
The Chair of the Ohope Community Carolyn Hamill knows all about this but instead of doing what she gets paid for displays otherwise abilities. I went to my second Whakatane -Ohope Community Board and as part of my submission challenged each and every one of them including Deputy Mayor Immink and Councillor Pullar to join me on Talk-back radio but they have all cowered away from this opportunity to date.
The first meeting of the Ohope Community Board I attended was like keystone cops’. Elected members suddenly changing seats, suddenly declaring conflicts of interest, poor minute taking etc
I have also been approached by voters with questions about lots of topics including my views on women
Let us start with the words from the Police in a publicly available document dated 30/11/22 where the Police state “There is enough evidence to charge you with the following offence(s). The Police are referring to the New Zealand Labour Party Incorporated’s Minister for Women and the Minister for Education “Hon Jan Tinetti” The letter is signed by “Dominic Hayden Detective Senior Sergeant National Criminal Investigations Group, Police National Headquarters”