C Beaumont, Friday 17/6/2022
The Acting President of the Ruling Council,
New Zealand Labour Party Inc,
P O Box 784, Email: [email protected]
Wellington. Attorney General: david.parker@parliament.govt.nz
Complaint Re New Zealand Labour Party Incorporated Member Jan Tinetti
I herein lodge a complaint that New Zealand Labour Party Member Jan Tinetti has brought the New Zealand Party Incorporated into disrepute as a result of her refusal to answer questions directed to her by email on 10/5/22 and additionally hand delivered to her by myself on 23 May 2022 as a candidate in the Parliamentary By-Election for the electorate of Tauranga. This took place under the watchful eye of Commissioner Anne Tolley
These questions are valid and include the role of the current New Zealand Labour Party member and current Prime Minister Ms J Ardern
Because of the current Labour Party Candidates failure to answer questions as a Labour candidate in the Tauranga Parliamentary By-Elections these questions were on sent to the Prime Minister of New Zealand who has also failed/refused or both to answer these questions for Jan Tinetti and the New Zealand Labour Party. The Prime Minister is the “Leader of the New Zealand Labour Party”
It is necessary to again point out that Labour received at least one more additional formal nomination application with associated monetary fees supplied to the Prime Minister for the electorate candidate selection process This was supplied to the office of the Prime Minister due to the ongoing legal problems facing the new General Secretary of the New Zealand Labour Party Robert Salmond of the Party office These problems at “Head Office” also include the current [but often General Secretary] Assistant General Secretary Diana Lacey in CIV-2020-012-000383 now transferred to the Wellington District Court under Judge Harrop
Secondly, at the Matua Bowling Club “meet the candidate’s event” on the evening of the 9th of June, candidate Tinetti who had been formally supplied by email and at that time also spoken to personally by myself about another serious matter involving the formal request of the now former President of the Labour Party’s Ruling Council Claire Czabo’s resignation. She claimed she had not checked her emails since the previous day. She has been asked to comment on Claires resignation but again refuses, fails or perhaps both
Thirdly candidate Tinetti also refused/failed or perhaps both to come out of Parliament and meet with the voters of New Zealand asking her to do so on the steps of Parliament This refusal to act in a reasonable manner by Candidate Tinetti again brings the New Zealand Labour Party into further into disrepute
This makes three times that candidate J Tinetti has brought the New Zealand Labour Party into immense and now exposed disrepute
Kindly acknowledge this complaint establishing the need for the Ruling Council to hold a hearing lead by Carole Beaumont and probably one other but this cannot be again the other Senior Vice President Tane Phillips of the Affiliates trade union movement of Kawerau as he is also refusing to answer correspondence currently
I am aware that precedent exists whereby fellow member Jan Tinetti can be “expelled” by the Ruling Council of the New Zealand Labour Party. This is what I am requiring the Council to rule
Candidate Tinetti shows little to no regard for the efforts put into achieving women’s representation in Parliament and in my view is at the helm of an exposed attempt to slap/tarnish/belittle/demean the image/face of Kate Shepherd. Silence by Kiwi women including the New Zealand Labour Party’s Women’s Sector Council reading this will show their complicity for current and future generations to see as well
All this is going on whilst candidate Tinetti is claiming to hold, with little tenure, the Warrant as the Minister for Women and Associate Education Minister with increased educational responsibilities as a result of the recent Cabinet reshuffle
Vice President Carole Beaumont please tell the public/voters & Labour Party Members etc of the Ruling Councils hearing date and time of your meeting Additionally this letter is to be regarded as “INWARD CORRESPONDENCE” for that due meeting. Please as a result of the next full Council meeting tell the public/voters and Labour Party members whether or not this will be removed to the Constitutional Committee of unknown persons. If so please name them in your reasonably expected press release
Candidate Tinetti will be sent a copy of this Complaint and is herein asked to publicly comment immediately before this Saturday voting booths open. The other Candidates will also be provided with a copy, asked to comment and in particular National’s Sam Uffindell who is definitely asked to comment publicly or display for all time his complicity in such matters of Law & Order
Your faithfully,
Gordon J Dickson, AAMINZ, MNZIQS Co-Chair NCOMONZ & “Life Member” of the New Zealand Labour Party – Membership # 4503983 since 1986
E & O E
Candidate in the Tauranga By Election 2022
File Ref:220617NZLPConstComplaintMemberJanTinetti