“No Jab No Job” Debate/Forum Dunedin New Zealand

It is with pleasure that I report that the intended “No Jab No Job” debate took place tonight as advertised at the Roslyn Bowling Club in Roslyn, Dunedin, New Zealand However it was in the form of a group discussion involving all but one of the 16 attendees But that is “all good”
Started at 630 p m and finished at 9 pm
The debate was required to be changed to one of a discussion forum due to the withdrawal late this week of the anti vax proponent and invited debater Mr Lee Vandervis. Despite my trying nationwide radio talkback, Facebook oops Meta, volunteer firemen etc I was unable to find a replacement
There were views espoused from both sides of the vaccination debate and from all parts of the globe with many international experiences brought forward
The two issues upon which agreement was reached by all in attendance were
One the level, accuracy and dissemination of the information on the Covid vaccine was not good enough
Secondly, this vaccination issue was divisive
It was wonderful and encouraging to see so many young people turn up and speak
The University of Otago Faculty of Law newly led by the Dean Shelley Griffith were formally asked to provide input. Sadly none of the Law School staff attended and therefore failed to contribute
The discussion was civil and respectful
Everyone enjoyed themselves and the intended theme of listening to the other points of view prevailed throughout. We all went away better informed, with things to think about, research and from that point of view the meeting was a success
Finally, for me the one thing that stood out and it is that our children will be the ones that suffer most
Gordon J Dickson – AAMINZ, MNZIQS & Co-Chair NCOMONZ,
Volunteer Convenor/Would Have Been Debater, Dalmore, Dunedin, Otago, & Ohope Beach, Eastern Bay of Plenty, New Zealand

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