Debate Dunedin Otago NZ “No Jab No Job”

Public Debate Title “No Jab No Job”
Participants: Dunedin City Councilor Lee Vandervis for the Negative
Gordon Dickson for the Affirmative
Venue Roslyn Bowling Club, 6 Gamma St, Roslyn, Dunedin Otago New Zealand
Date Saturday 13th November 2021
Commencing with meet and greet, juice & nibbles at 630 pm with the debate commencing at 730 pm
Cost: Gold coin donation to cover venue hire and refreshments thank you
Debate to be followed by a Question & Answer session, then some Freedoms/Bills or Rights Act discussions and then a light supper and juices
Plates welcomed
Volunteer Convener
Gordon Dickson Dalmore Dunedin
Enquiries and confirmation of attendance please to organise seating nibbles etc to: Email [email protected] or phone 0274 443820”

Part 2 Dunedin Courthouse & N Z Labour Party

Part Two CIV-2020-015-000383

The opportunity that is on offer is one of being the Support Person at the hearing.

Estimated time of 4 hours minimum but most of the day envisaged as being necessary for debriefing.

Hearing preparation time available for Tender as well, whilst being ideal, not necessarily need be the same person.

Registrations of interest and offers to Gordon at email [email protected]

Time for acceptance of a successful tenderer will be determined as I see reasonable and necessary. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted

Donations gratefully accepted to 12-3035-0608589-51 [ASB Whakatane]

Dated Thursday 28/10/2021                  E. & O. E.

Gordon Dickson Applicant

Tender Offer Dunedin Courthouse NZ Labour Party

Venue: Dunedin District & High Court,
Address: Lower Stuart Street, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand.
Date: Monday 8 November 2021. Time: 0915 a m
Case Number: CIV-2020-015-000383
In The Matter Between:
Gordon J Dickson, Applicant
[of Dunedin, Otago & Ohope Beach, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand]
New Zealand Labour Party Selwyn Electorate Committee,
First Respondent [of Selwyn, Canterbury, New Zealand]
New Zealand Labour Party Incorporated,
Second Respondent [of Fraser House, Level 1/160, Willis Street, Wellington, New Zealand.] Best Contact – Assistant New Zealand Labour Party Secretary [email protected] or phone +64 4 3847649 and ask for Dianna
This is the second hearing to date in this ongoing legal matter.
Part two to follow