Ohope Notice Bd Facebook safety/transfer 4 12 23

Alas Mark again you weren’t in the room to witness the freedom of speech on display, the announcement of a new political party for the 2016 election [it could be 2017], the progress towards access to justice, the dismay expressed by those “in the room” at the three main political party’s not putting up candidates just weeks after these same party’s asking for their party vote. I notice the claim that some of the posts had been removed overnight relating to the Ohope Medical Centre You have another Ohope Facebook option It is called “Ohope Uncut Notice Board” “Enjoy” Almost forgot I see Labours Anne Collins finally surface on Facebook So that is a total of around 8 letters from two Ohope based senior Labour Party members in about 8 weeks A word a week from the local Ohope based Labour Party members is surely stirling stuff. Another Senior Labour Party cabinet minister was also seen in Europe after the election after which he had lost his electorate seat I will transfer this to my blog as well in case I incurr the rath of the lone out of town Moderator of this site

Press Release Port Waikato By Election 2023



Gordon J Dickson,                                  Monday 23 November 2023


& Associate Member Arbitrators and Mediators Institute of New Zealand Incorporated, Member New Zealand Institute of Quantity Surveyors Incorporated & Co-Chair NCOM&BONZ

Re – New Zealand Council of the Arbitrators and Mediators Institute of New Zealand Incorporated Members Dr A Kirk, A Skelton, K Keddell, S Arena, M Wallace & K Wiseman,

Arbitrators & Mediators Institute of New Zealand Incorporated,

P O Box 11051,

Manners Street,


New Zealand.                                                [email protected]

Hello Anna, Anne, Kate, Set, Malcolm, & Kate,

Conduct Unbecoming Of The Council of The Arbitrators & Mediators Institute of New Zealand

At our last institutes Annual General Meeting, which was at the outset of our 2023 Annual Conference at the Rydges Hotel in Wellington the 38 attendees present were able to witness potential President Nicole Smith of the Bay of Plenty, being asked to “resign”.

Given that was an unnecessarily length of time ago now and you collectively have failed to achieve any worthy outcome as a result of Nicole’s unnecessarily, unreasonably and lengthy deliberations then it is incumbent of you all to do the right thing and resign immediately as well.

It should not be forgotten that many of our institutes’ members rely upon funding from the Ministry of Justice, who themselves are in further disarray with the recent resignation of the New Zealand Labour Party’s and my Member of Parliament for the East Coast Electorate, Hon Kiri Allan, LLB Victoria University, Wellington, and then Minister of Justice who has potentially been charged with criminal offences after crashing a government car, failing an alcohol breathalyser test and has still yet to appear in the Wellington District Court, which one hopes will be open to the public.

As a result of the request for our potential President to resign the remaining council members should in the normal course of events been active and kept the membership abreast with the matter. You have failed in this regard.

Our Alternative Dispute Resolution service which is the alternative to the choked up, short of Judges, court system has to be seen to be above reproach at this time when members of the public are looking for viable alternatives to the court system, given the large amount of legal disorder that exists in New Zealand at this time.

Any fit and proper elected body would have realised the extremely serious nature of this request of our potential President from an ordinary member, expected to have followed it up diligently and in the normal course of events dutifully notified all the membership of their combined efforts immediately.

By now you should have been calling to all the membership for nominations for a replacement President. Something you have collectively failed to do

Another irregularity occurred at our Wellington Annual General Meeting when one of the attending Council members, when asked a question as the author of a letter from a member of Council dated Friday 23 June 2023, that related to matters from as far back as 2021 and received only recently, proceeded to whisper in the ear of the potential President. No one attending the AGM could hear what was said. Additionally whispering cannot be reasonably be expected to be recorded accurately in our minutes either.

I look forward to the public announcements of your individual resignations

Yours faithfully,

Gordon J Dickson



P O Box 3015,Ohope Beach, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand 3161

Email [email protected]

Distribution U K, Australia, USA, Asia and Canada.

File ref:231113AMINZPotentialPresidentAGMResignationUpdateNSmith

Ohope Beach Part two Work offered 4 Square Dairy

here anymore either. Things are changing for the better at last. Of additional interest is the brochure that has been doing the rounds [particularly but not exclusively in the “PP” part of “the beach”] about gender teaching in the schools. For a while there one of the Ohope Primary Board of Trustee members Frank Cain looked as he was going to join the debate. However there have been two open door public meetings on Ohope and no show has been the outcome. I even found a sponsor for his entry fee to one of them. I would really like to talk freely with the local legal profession about the recent so called Independent Review of Legal Services enabled by the woefully dysfunctional N Z Law Society. As to the two jobs please keep an eye on the Ohope Beach Four Square notice board s’il vous plait.

Sean Plunket The Platform Suppression of Free Speech??

Sean Plunket The Platform
Sean, I phoned “0800 Debate” Spoke to Ben, asked to join the Talk Back session, Ben put me through to Miles, and we talked for a pleasant few minutes about our 7th Men & Boys Wellbeing Annual Conference in Ohope Beach, Bay of Plenty [which was a huge success]
However, when next I ring Ben and asked to use talk back. He allowed me to wait and after a while put me through to Michael Laws. When I introduced a topic, he told me that he determined what would take place on his talkback show meaning only what he decided would take place. I simply tried to and wanted to talk about the University of Otago [I believe Micheal and I are both Alumni] allegations of “inappropriate behaviour” by Politics Professor Janine Hayward directed at me as a student of hers. Plus, the outcome of the investigation into bullying in the Law School at the University of Otago. Involving Dean Mark Henigan and another LLB “main stream media” contributor. Plus, I am a candidate in this election. So, I sought clarification from Michael that it was his sole entitlement to determine the direction of talkback where freedom of speech is under threat, He said a few words and “Gordon you are an idiot” Truthfully, I am a Labour Party Life Member [Sean always complains about no Labour Party people will front up. So, Sean Plunket is economical with the truth] In addition I was in the room with the Prime Minister of Australia Anthony Albanese for the final AUKUS debate followed by the voting etc I am also looking at Labour’s Hon Kiri Allans Police file which they surprisingly sent to me
I was also a constituent of Micheal’s, when I lived in Cromwell, in his role on the Otago Regional Council and submitted on and spoke online to the Otago Regional Council’s Annual Plan. He was not visible; he never spoke to answer questions and so don’t even know if he was really there. As a tourist guide coach driver often based in Queenstown it is very hard to describe the green weed the has disgraced Lake Dunstan. I tell the tourists the truth about our clean green image
As to Professor Janine Hayward. I have emailed her former University of Otago Faculty of Politics colleague Bryce Edwards to comment but he fails to do so. As he is on your show you ask him. Also OU’s Robert Patman hasn’t replied either. Now Professor Hayward has involved the Police. Additional OIA’s flying in all directions. I have called her out on Facebooks “Dunedin News” to front up and debate with me. Even posted a job offer in Dunedin for her to be interviewed for a sum of real money
Contested both recent By-Elections- Tauranga & Hamilton West Meng Foon’s correspondence !!!!!!
If this constitutes an “Idiot” That’s “Gordon”
P s you let Labours Jill Ovens off light when she told you about the LBGT+ taking over the ruling Council of the Labour Party. There is two sides to every story on that score Sir Sean
Labours Jill Day???

2023 Election Update Candidate East Coast Electorate Gordon Dickson Ohope

East Coast Electorate Update 12/10/2023
I have a blog as well and this will be posted there in case “Admin” is influenced unwisely

There has been more recent illegal vehicle use on the Maraetotara Reserve here on Pohutukawa Avenue, Ohope Beach, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. Meaning on the chained off grassed areas
One incident has been reported to the Police The other close to the children’s playground to the Mayor of the Whakatane District Council. NOTE: This reserve is currently only vested in the Whakatane District Council. The true owners are the people of N Z through the Department of Conservation.
. I am a Candididate in the East Coast Electorate, a local environmentalist and have contested three Parliamentary elections for the New Zealand Labour Party Incorporated as a Life Member [Lawyers are currently involved again]. The words “the liar” appear in much correspondence with former Labour Prime Minister Dame/Republican Jacinda Ardern etc
I was the Chairperson of the inaugural Bay of Plenty Conservation Board and chaired the “Green Environmental Society 89” based in Ohope Beach
The subject of the Ohope Beach Volunteer Fire Brigade running over and causing the loss of the life of a small child on the Maraetotara Reserve has been discussed on the Whakatane Community Facebook page before this Admin has allowed me to join again
At the outset I remind you that I went and had a quiet word with the Ohope Beach Fire Brigade on 4 Oct 2022 with Chief Fire Officer Christini and offered the Fire Brigade a simple way of avoiding this matter being raised publicly. They chose not to avail themselves of this opportunity given by me in good faith. Given there have been more events of unnecessary use of vehicles on the reserve then we simply don’t learn from our mistakes
The real truth is that we have a group of people who form an Incorporated Society who were the instigators of and the cause of this unnecessary loss of life. Public documents show that they are the Lions Club of Ohope Beach (Inc), also for some considerable time known as the Ohope Beach Lions Club International.
The truth of the matter is their international lawyers based in Illinois USA, David and Shannon don’t want anything to do with the Lions Club of Ohope anymore
There is also documentary guidance been supplied from the US Dept of Justice “Criminal Division” relating to the Lions Club. This group have a tendency to disregard the reasonable expectations of the community, from foolishly erecting a white cross on the Reserve, continually driving on the reserve despite being told not to by Council, to the repeated involvement of the Whakatane Police. On one occasion I witnessed the Police car on the Maraetotara Reserve as a result of yet another incident. On this occasion involving a sharpened long handled garden implement. As a result of this incident as many at 12 of their members were required to supply statements to N Z Police. The Whakatane Police “inadvertently” misplaced these statements. However, despite being asked to resupply their statements to the N Z Police the Lions Club of Ohope Beach have steadfastly refused to resupply them. This Incorporated Society shows ongoing disdain for the law and the very name and community of the town it takes its name from.
The Lions Club of Ohope Beach (Inc) have stated they had permission to carry out all their activities on the Maraetotara Reserve. They, being with a pad, regalia, a willingness to use violence and disrespect of the law, put simply, lie. Put simply they are a just another unruly gang. I have formally asked to speak with this collective to no avail.
I note also that the Ohope Chartered Club Incorporated have finally and belatedly after many years have woken up and realised that they cannot no longer continue to be seen as being accomplices with the Lions Club of Ohope Beach (Inc). It has been their combined practice to hold so called public political meetings but where not every member of the public can attend. I view these combined Incorporated Societies actions as an exposed and repeated attempt to manipulate the democratic process. The Ohope Charter Club committee don’t reply to correspondence hand delivered en masse to this year’s Annual General Meeting about this. Come on Secretary. Prove you are literate thank you.
The Chair of the Ohope Community Carolyn Hamill knows all about this but instead of doing what she gets paid for displays otherwise abilities. I went to my second Whakatane -Ohope Community Board and as part of my submission challenged each and every one of them including Deputy Mayor Immink and Councillor Pullar to join me on Talk-back radio but they have all cowered away from this opportunity to date.
The first meeting of the Ohope Community Board I attended was like keystone cops’. Elected members suddenly changing seats, suddenly declaring conflicts of interest, poor minute taking etc
I have also been approached by voters with questions about lots of topics including my views on women
Let us start with the words from the Police in a publicly available document dated 30/11/22 where the Police state “There is enough evidence to charge you with the following offence(s). The Police are referring to the New Zealand Labour Party Incorporated’s Minister for Women and the Minister for Education “Hon Jan Tinetti” The letter is signed by “Dominic Hayden Detective Senior Sergeant National Criminal Investigations Group, Police National Headquarters”

N Z Elections 2023 Candidate East Coast Electorate

Election Candidate Update
I have also been asked to give voters my views on women
I will also post this on my Blog https://gordondickson.blogtown.co.nz/ as well.
So should in the event the Admin bow to pressure instead of committing to and understanding that freedom of speech is enshrined by law under section 14 of the Bill of Rights Act 1990 you can continue to follow my views on taxation, transport, the issuing of degrees by N Z Universities and Labours P M Hon Chris Hipkins, Conservation, Ministry for Men and Boys and Grant Robertson, Tourism, in the Ohope Beach Incorporated Societies and their repeated use of international lawyers and in one case their ongoing refusal to cooperate with N Z Police, the Professions, my time in the room as an “Observer” with the Prime Minister of Australia Tony Albanese for the final AUKUS debate.
The Bill of Rights states
14 Freedom of expression
Everyone has the right of freedom of expression- including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and opinions of any kind in any form.
Additionally, section 13 states
13Freedom of thought, conscience, and religion
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion, and belief, including the right to adopt and to hold opinions without interference
Additionally, Electoral Rights section 12 (b) states
Every New Zealand citizen who is of or over the age of 18 years—(b)
is qualified for membership of the House of Representatives.

A female journalist Maria Ressa who won a Nobel Prize introduced the phrase “Facts lead to truth and truth leads to trust” Trust in our politicians is at an all-time low. Maria is from the Philippines where journalists are at risk from persecution day in day out.
Let’s, see if we can try the following on Ohope Beach citizens and voters
I am looking at a publicly available document from “Dominic Hayden, Detective Senior Sargeant, National Criminal Investigations Group, Police National Headquarters Wellington Dated 30/11/22 File # (221118/2478)
The telling part of this document is as follows “There is enough evidence to charge you with the following offences(s)” For women and those involved in the educational segment of our government, being they be parents, grandparents teachers and students of voting age this should be alarming. This New Zealand Labour Party Incorporated Minister for Education and Minister for Women current cabinet Minister , List M P current Labour Party candidate for Tauranga and at #6 on Labours list and will return to Parliament if Labour win has been in charge of a budget or around $4 billion dollars of your money. From the date of the offence, you the taxpayer have rewarded this Labour Cabinet Minister with rewards of around $400,000 and you are unwisely in my view paying Hon Jan Tinetti who was put in the position by Hon/Republican Resigned Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern at and additional $150.00 per hour currently
This Police document is addressed to the Minister for Women and the Minister for Education “Hon Jan Tinetti” The email address it was sent to is “”[email protected]
Remember tomorrow there is to be a radio talk back debate on 1XX at 2 p m between myself and the Secretary of the Whakatane Branch of the Labour Party Inc. Peta Barker of Hillcrest. All parties notified in plenty of time. Title “Why did the Secretary of the Labour Party in the Eastern Bay of Plenty get arrested?”
Kindly share this with other Facebook pages throughout the world and post saying so please
Bona Fide Candidate in the East Coast Electorate 2023
Gordon Dickson Life Member of the N Z Labour Party Inc, AAMINZ, Co-Chair NCOM&BONZ & MNZIQS
p s Not forgetting repeated instances of “Inappropriate behaviour” allegations directed at me by my University of Otago Professor of Politics Janine Hayward [See “Dunedin News Uncut” on Facebook] Police involved etc Burden of proof rests with my Professor Janine Hayward who for some time now has gone to ground Mmmmph?

East Coast Electorate Candidates Meet War Memorial Hall

Meeting Report East Coast Election Whakatane Rotary Club Incorporated Meeting War Memorial Hall Last night 26/9/2023
Went like this I got there on time and a very ebullient Billy Clark of the Plains said repeatedly that he was the compere as such would not allow me to speak Told him chance would be a fine thing
He unwisely questioned if I was a Parliamentary candidate. I asked him to talk to any of the other candidates and they will tell him that I was at the other meet the Candidates meetings
He failed to do so
When I told him he needed to remember his place being in the War Memorial Hall he became stronger in his falsely held belief that I would not be speaking for the want of a better word and claimed the ability to have me removed from the hall by two security officials
Told him not to be so silly and not to attempt to interfere with the democratic process and embarrass the community
Compere Billy then fobbed it off to someone else who went away and talked to someone else who talked to someone else and eventually overdue sanity prevailed
The Police had been asked to attend before hand
Then the leading elderly male from the Whakatane Rotary Club in charge of the meeting claimed twice that he had been threatened So please go down to the Police station and inform them and ask them to lay charges TODAY
I had contacted the Whakatane Rotary Club Secretary Chris Bullen to say I was coming who said I was supposed to send an email to someone else. Wrong. The Whakatane Rotary Club Incorporated knew I was coming
Then we had to put up with Mayor Luca rabbiting on wasting more precious time and pretending he was authorised to dictate what we as candidates could and couldn’t say Again embarrassing Haven’t you heard of freedom of speech Victor, Your out of order prose reminded me of the letter we got from the sacked Race Relations Commissioner Moon Feng before and after the Tauranga By Election Mayor Victor instead go away and prepare a speech in relation to the outcome of the two employment contract matters involving the Chief Executive of the Whakatane District Council
The seven minutes per candidate could have been ten or more if properly organised “Piss up in a brewery” comes to mind
Again, when I looked at my prepared speech and letters of proof and compared those to the need to explain the abject failures in the Justice system
I decided upon traversing the example of the proceedings in a District and High Courthouse involving a lying Ministry of Justice warranted officer and a lying (likely employee) of the Labour Party Inc. endorsed by the then Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Leader of the N Z Labour Party who also featured in the legal proceedings (not by me) herself Can’t get a fair hearing in a room full of liars
Next access to justice is provided the alternative to the Justice Police Courts Unaffordable Lawyers is the Alternative Disputes process
At a recent Alternative Disputes Resolution [ADR] conference in Wellington I as a long-time member attended The lawyers present were talking High Court hearing dates in 2025 Note not 2024 Not enough Judges
I also witnessed the potential President of the Arbitrators and Mediators Institute Incorporated Nicole Smith whose offices are in the Mount being asked to resign at the AGM of some 40 people including Kings Councils and lawyers from most of the leading law firms throughout New Zealand. Still awaiting her formal decision. Begs the question why does it take so long to decide whether or not as President she is going to resign? It is time the ruling Council of AMINZ Inc. tell the public and users of the institute of this now well overdue decision
The Labour mob were present but significantly down in numbers and almost no red t-shirts this time
However, the Secretary of the local branch was present and so she was asked if she was able to confirm that she had done the right thing and send off the documents of the branch to the Human Rights Commissioner to see if how they behave locally constitutes “Political Discrimination”
Documents were presented and made available to the attendees from the then Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, current Labour Party Leader Chris Hipkins , disgraced Hon Jan Tinetti Minister for Women and Education, Hon Andrew Little about my money being kept by the greedy N Z Labour Party etc![wink wink], Hon Grant Robertson about the well formally discussed establishment of the Ministry for Men and Boys, Warren Olsson Detective Inspector of the National Criminal Investigations Group of the New Zealand Police, Dominic Hayden Detective Senior Sargeant, Detective Inspector of the National Criminal Investigation Group, David Kirby of the National Criminal Investigation Group, Electoral Commission documents referring matters to N Z Police for investigations The named participants include Labours Hon Jan Tinetti, the New Zealand “Labour Party” and others
There were lots of very rude interjections and these rude people did not understand that although they might not want to hear what was being said by the candidates said the other members assembled did One incredibly and repeatedly rude person was repeatedly asked to leave, He refused. Billy again whilst at the outset was telling me he was able and willing to have me thrown out failed to control the mob
At the end and after being reminded of his place in the scheme of things Billy apologised to me. I am considering it Mr Clark! You should have apologised to me and the assembled members at the outset
Retiring Labour MP and oops now again candidate Tamati Coffey was specifically asked to tell the assembled throng who told him not to come out of Parliament and speak to his constituents who were calling for him to come out He refused to provide the truth. Labours Tamati Coffey was also asked if elected by one of the above-described attendees who would he represent. The Labour Party or his possible constituents? Again, he refused to tell the truth
I tried to raise the question of his false and misleading statements when he publicly stated he would not be running for Parliament because he had two children to look after and family comes first. Then all of a sudden, this family comes first public statement goes out the window and instantly he did a politician U turn and was somehow selected after there was this driving incident involving our M P and alcohol. Who else was at the selection meeting Tamati? Just you? The Secretary of the local branch from Hillcrest can tells us. Please do so Madame Secretary
I also asked Candidate Tamati to join me on nationwide talk back 0800 801080 for a debate. I await his commitment to this electorate
The subject of the Ohope Breach Fire Brigade running over and bringing about the death an innocent child on the Maraetotara Reserve in Ohapathy Beach was raised. There was no fire, no emergency and no right for them to be there Who gave the Fire Brigade permission to be there or who told them it was, ok? Who?
The result of the organisers allowing a non-East Coast electorate candidate to speak reduced the time allowed for the real candidates for the East Coast Electorate Plus he spoke too long each time and did not address the issue of the Act Parties name on the Electoral Commissions and other publicly available documents relating to breach of the Electoral Act
One of my policies I intended to announce was an addition to the Tenancy Agreement whereby departing tenants are required to provide a statement that they have made all reasonable attempts to stop the mail and couriered parcels from being sent to the landlords address Additionally the bond not to be released until this part of the end of tenancy documents is completed and lodged with the Tenancy services and signed as agreed by the landlord Why? Because I got arrested by the boys in blue (took 5 of them with a Police dog nearby) as a previous tenant informed them that I had a food blender belonging to them in my possession The Constabulary all left crestfallen and empty handed, tipped over my office and significantly, did not drop the charges to the last minute To the officer who forgot himself and got close up and personal I remind you of this Sergeant. I had been mopping the floor and when you did this my rear foot slipped on the wet floor For a brief moment, I had a vision of my forehead coming down on the bridge of your nose Fortunately for you Sergeant I was able to regain my balance, save your nose and the sight of your redness gushing rapidly down on your blue shirt
Then we talked about former Prime Minister Helen Clark’s role in repeated regions of N Z in which she dictated the list places in the Labour Party regions in which she did not reside That’s right “dictated”
I would like to thank the lady who came up to me and apologised for the embarrassing behaviour of the assembled throng Throng is a good word
Compere Clark you must stop showing your personal bias by allowing the Labour candidate to talk for more time than the rest. This is an ongoing problem at these events Please get a stop watch
We discussed the subject of women getting lighter prison sentences
We didn’t have time to talk about the long-time tax burden women have become in N Z. In short, they don’t pay their way. Beneficiaries or Bludgers are other words. A man is tax neutral from commencing work to the grave but a woman costs another $150,000 to be maintained by the taxpayer for the same period Hence there should as my Aussie mate says be a bloke’s tax and a sheila’s tax i.e. No GST but BST at 15% and SST at 20% to pay their arears They also have always cowered away from defending our shores. What is the word that best describes a special group of people who cower away from protecting our shores with life and limb? You were expected to turn up at our 7th Annual Mens and Boys Wellbeing Conference in Ohapathy Beach earlier this month but you failed to join in the discussion
Then we had question and answer from the floor
When It was my turn, I asked the floor/throng if any of them had the balls to ask Labours Tamati Coffee why he would not come out of Parliament and speak to his constituents when they called him to do so during the gathering outside Parliament. Winstone Peters and David Seymour did Far too many of the collection of N Z citizens present looked at the floor instead and they cowered away from asking one simple question the rest of NZ wants to know and now!
I also asked him who told him not to go to the steps of Parliament to meet with his constituents He continued to show a lack of respect for the meeting attendees and put his head down in shame You cannot trust anyone who won’t answer basic questions before the election Correct?
A copy of Labours disgraced M P for East Coast Kiri Allan’s Police file in relation to the Evan Bay driving matter was presented for all to see and read
None of the attendees wanted to read the Police report. They therefore remain ignorant which is their choice but speaks volumes of the mostly elderly attendees that attended last night
Police file number “IR-01-23-23215” “Dated 15 August 2023” The Police withheld some of the information claiming it wasn’t in the “public interest” for more of the details on the file Given Hon Kiri Allan was our M P and the Minister of Justice What do you think?
For the avoidance of doubt, I did have a quiet word with the senior male of the Ohope Fire Brigade and gave him a simple way of avoiding this public issue involving the unnecessary loss of a young child’s life on the Maraetotara Reserve in Ohope Beach being raised publicly. I have been asked to raise it by a concerned citizen and voter
Report card
Labour Party led Government but including National Act Greens Maori etc RESULT CARD
Mortgage and other interest rates gone up
Government Debt 155 billion up from 122 billion since 2017 It’s like a steep against a wall ladder
Closing Marsden Point Refinery “Hon Megan Woods”
Crime up
Education 50% 15 years olds can’t read and right properly
Minister for Women and Education Jan looks has escaped criminal charges In charge of 4 billion dollars of your money and paid $150 per hour ongoingly The N Z L.P Council knew this and hid it from their dumb Labour Party membership Source Police Records
Economic mismanagement
House rentals up
The current Secretary of the N Z Labour Party finally showed her face at a public meeting but then she complained to me afterwards that I had pointed her out to the crowd If time had permitted, I would like to have asked her what she knew about the Labour Party Secretary being arrested by the Bay of Plenty Police. Additionally the Whakatane Branch Secretary of the New Zealand Labour Party Incorporated member and Whakatane Branch Secretary Peta Barker of Hillcrest failed to produce the requested letter from the branch in relation to the formalised request for all branch records to be supplied to the office of the Human Rights Commissioner to enable him to rule as to whether or not they were as a branch practicing Political discrimination
Also Local Labour Party senior person Anne Collins is still not speaking up in her own defence Would those people in the last subdivision on the right before the Port Ohapathy Golf Course remind your neighbour Ms Collins [formerly Anne Fraser] Labour M P for the East Cape she has via our resigning PM Jacinda Ardern been formally asked to stay well away from the list selection process till the Human Rights Commissioner has completed its investigation Come on Labour Party colleague Anne Collins you can use Facebook when you want to
There is much more available but busy busy busy
Candidate in the East Coast Electorate Gordon Dickson Ohope Beach, Bay of Plenty
Candidate Chris Hipkins for response
E & O E

Prime Minister Parliamentary By Election Hamilton – Labour M P Bullying Event

Ms J Ardern, Friday 2 December 2022
The Prime Minister of New Zealand Member of Parliament for Mount Albert and current leader of the New Zealand Labour Party [Inc.]
Private Bag 18-041,
Wellington, 6161.
Hello Ms Ardern,
As a bona fide candidate in the Hamilton West By Election and a Life Member of the New Zealand Labour Party [Inc.] I herein lodge a complaint that the Member of the New Zealand Labour Party and Member of Parliament Kerian McNulty has displayed an event of bullying and by doing this has brought the New Zealand Labour Party into disrepute.
At our NZ Labour Party Dunedin Conference whilst attending the Rural Sector Council we all witnessed the N Z L P M P for Wairarapa, Kerian McNulty leaving his seat, walk to the head table and announce that he was taking over the lead role of the constitutionally enshrined Sector Council from that time on from the present and correctly and constitutedly elected Chairperson [mature male person from Minginui]. [Fellow Labour Party member of Ohope Beach Anne Collins has his name and contact details]
Those present were the new Minister of Justice Kiri Allan LLB [whom I have tried to meet as she is my Electorate Member of Parliament. All to no avail at this time]. The N Z L P M P for the East Coast electorate said nothing
Also present was the N Z Labour Party Member for Northland Willow-Jean Prime LLB. The N Z L P M P Prime said nothing either.
It took a considerable effort from the elected Chair and members of the Sector Council, and delegates from all around New Zealand to get Kerian, despite his repeated assertions that he was adamant he was the best person for the role, to go back to his seat and shut his mouth up.
[This was carefully recorded If in doubt ask Assistant General Manager Diana Lacey]
Ms Ardern. How can this be other than an outburst of inappropriate behaviour which, like you I trust, be considered to be a display of bullying out of his position out a constitutionally elected sector Council Chairman and by carrying out this witnessed by approximately 28 attendees, action has brought the New Zealand Labour Party into disrepute? Therefore, via your office this matter must be passed to the New Zealand Council of the Labour Party’s ruling body for suspension or expulsion.
Additionally, this matter must be put to a Caucus vote for him to be expelled from Caucus just like M P for Hamilton West Gaurav Sharma.
As the previous correspondence already shows that you are a repeated supporter of the “liar” currently holding the position of General Manger of the New Zealand Labour Party [Inc] Please comment on this position of yours in your response please.
I have no electorate representation which I consider to be a breach of my human rights
I await your urgent response MP & PM Ms Ardern as people are already voting and this is likely to effect how they vote. Do you agree please?

Regards Gordon
“Travellers Rest”, 260 Pohutukawa Avenue, Ohope Beach, Bay of Plenty, 3121,
Post Office Box 3015, Ohope Beach, Bay of Plenty, 3161,
Also at The Regus, First Floor, Harvest Court, 218 George St, Dunedin, 9016
New Zealand
Telephones Mobile 0274 443820 From Overseas +64274443820
Note: Should this email not be meant for you please inform the sender and delete it. Do not print it out unless absolutely necessary and please think of our environment Thank you

Copy to fellow Hamilton By Election Candidate Gaurav Sharma
[When becomes a found reliable email address]
File reference:221202NZLPComplaintBullyingNZLPMPKerianMcNulty

N Z Hamilton West Parliamentary By Election 2022

Hello Voters  and if you are not on the electoral roll please  get so online via the Electoral Commissions website https://elections.nz/

It is with pleasure I contest this seat and the opportunity will undoubtable enable the Parliamentary, the Police and the Judicial System to be tested/exposed during the run up to the last day for voting which is Saturday December the 10th 2022
Policies follow
 Cost of living
 Access to justice
 Environment
 Conservation Estate
 Health and wellbeing
 Family restoration
 Civil defence training
 Education
o Civics education
o Budgeting education
 Housing affordability
 Royal commission into professions
Work experience in part only
Senior Quantity Surveyor, Mediator,
Arbitrator, Nebosh Health, Safety &
Environmental Advisor,
Tour guide driver
(Europe, Africa, New Zealand)
Social media
Facebook: Gordon Dickson
Blog: gordondickson.blogtown.co.nz
Contact details
Authorised by Gordon Dickson, c/- 82A Cambridge Road, Hamilton
ph: 027-6780867